I had anorexia problems and I'm better presently, but I have a spanking new problem?

I started losing weight when i be 200 pounds and 5'2. I had my later period second year when I was 150 pounds. By January I be 76 pounds and VERY ill. I own gained fund up to 110 pounds for my now 5'3 frame, but my time of year STILL is not back. I enjoy heard that near are body types where you are instinctively VERY muscular.is that true? I eat 3000 cals a year, lift weights every other time, do 50 squats 6 days a week, and walk for almost an hour every day. I haven't gain any weight not long and I did not gain body fat when I be sedontary, either...How do I bring back my period stern? I need it to be fighting fit. Do you think I'll requirement to be 150 pounds again? I have see many doctors and they're stumped. I'm 14...

Can a bladder infection affect your time?

It will take a LONG time for your period to straighten out again.

It has zilch to do with muscles--or scarcity of muscles. It has to do near you starving yourself earlier.

You need to verbalize to your doctor about your diet and exercise regimen. 3000 calories is TOO much and trying to procure to 150 lbs when you are only 5'3" is too strapping. Then you will just starve yourself again.

Please receive help---and follow it or you will NEVER stop going round and round with food problems.

Irregular clots. assist!?

It will take a while, your body be used to not having it and immediately it has to build itself final up again


If your body fat percentage is lower than a certain amount you will not menstruate. You cause just not own gotten your body fat percentage rear legs up

What is the right weight for a 14 [almost 15] year who is 5'3?

just put away normally and hold on to working out.
you doing fine.
it should be back soon.
don't verbs it was of late all the change that your body wen through.

Swimming with your term?

your periodds are generally base on how underweight you are; once you develop amenorrhea from anorexia nervosa it may take some time to come backbone and i mean up to a year or so; you enjoy severly altered your hormones by being so underweight; present it time; if things aren't coming around to normal after one at a healthy solidity for say 6 months to a year you should check near a gynecologist. good luck and i'm glad that you are doing better; it's sturdy work but well worth it surrounded by the end; merely to be alive and healthy;

I am 20y/f my boobs is incredibly heavy why?

that will detail you how much you have to weightiness if you didn't know,
give it time fast weight loss && gain can sort your period dance away, it is one sign on anarexia

What does stringy yellowish/white cervical mucus mean?

It take time, your body is finally taking a break from be starved it need to pick yourself up. You'll get it subsidise.

Around what age do?

Just live a healthy lifestyle. Our body go through a lot of stress.

Your largeness and weight sounds right for your age, calculation 40lbs probably won't change anything. Time is probably what you stipulation the most. Try to be patient.

It sounds approaching you've made a commitment to your health, hold it up!

Is it true that if you get a BOOB JOB that you will not know how to BREAST FEED?

Your messed up nutrition has messed up your extent. It will take probably a year for your term to get on track as long as you hang on to eating right. Sorry to enunciate.


probably your body has be through so much - it is just going to embezzle awhile... cut back a bit on the weights, and try to relax and savour your walks...


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