Why do women bring fat soon after nuptials? how to stop it?


Can anyone tell me when the birth control pill should start working on acne?

I may be a man, but I can answer that request for information honestly and with tact. Before a woman (or a man for that matter) marry another, s(he) is in attraction mode. That is to read out that s(he) is doing everything the s(he) can to attract another. The problem with matrimonial and weight is that when two lives are merged into one, several people stop doing the things that they did up to that time marriage that made them attractive. So consequently, women and men both can put on consignment without much determination to save the weight rotten.

The answer is to keep doing what be done before conjugal. Work out and dress nice. Women, put on makeup and men, dress nice and shave and do what you can to be attractive. But that's why women put on weight after matrimonial and continuing to exercise and that's the way to bear and keep the mass off.

I've hear of woman having orgasms from anyone tazered is this possable?

lol many ur stressed in the region of it and just do heated eating short realizing it

Thyroid problems, suggestion experience?

Are you overweight? If you are, then speak to your doctor around how to lose weight healthfully.

Will some one please backing me with the in one piece period entity?

eat well regular exercise

I've be on my period for 13 days this month?

Not adjectives married women do get rotund...just stop drinking so much sh*t hun!

I havent had my extent yet && im going to be 13 is it typical ? && look at the bottom question too!

They surface they are 'off-market' and their hubbies are stuck with them for life span! A very impossible idea though coz men tend to look at other women even if their wives are supermodels, tolerate alone if she becomes a considerable pumpkin. I suggest all women should try to save fit as possible, not just for hubbies but also for their own confidence's sake!

I enjoy to go swimming tommoz, but on my interval, is it true that wen u get contained by the water, the flow stops?

feeding your husben and kids if so,and person happy thats when your brilliant skinny and stress out sing of bad report.just enjoy sex 3 times aday to stay fit .it works.

Girls please help?

Pregnant, do not do it. Food, stop ingestion. Relaxing with no parents to clear you get stale your boomba. Chemical changes contained by life, stop getting frail. Now, your next sound out should be, "Why do people bring uglier after marriage?" Just kid. Life makes us what we are, looks convert our personalities, and God give us both.

Love handles..how do i attain rid of them?

Regular exercise combined with a obedient diet should help

What is a sanitary belt? We don't hold them here!?

Happiness make them grease. Plz some exercise is advised.

What is wrong next to me?

So their is more to love.
You can stop it by eating most of her food

Why is my interval almost 3 weeks late?

this is a myth that women after marital put on weight.look at kate winslet,lopez, anniston,posh bekham,angelina etc etc.these are solely the celebrities - i know at tiniest a thousand married women with lid as well and still as slim as possible.
yes,this is true that women after matrimonial tend to indulge themselves and so get solid and use of birthcontrol pills also brings on fat.
regular exercise, cycling,swimming, jog etc and a proper diet ,lots of salad,fruits,soups etc keep fleshy at bay.

Period/tampon question?

lots of women make the mistake of ingestion the same size portions of food as their husbands, absence of exercise could figure contained by it too!

How far is true that these kind of women encounter birth difficulties?

Marriage is what several women yearn for, if it is a smiling one then one is at peace. Good peace of mind mode a healthy mind and in turn a decent body.
They also say that the opening to a man's heart is through the stomach, so many women please their husbands beside meals and contained by the process over-eat.
Heard something also about birth-control pills, they own a fattening effect.
I think regular excercise, fair diet (adequate amounts of fruits and veges), and avoid pills if u can, and u'll maintain a slim body.

What is this red spot on my boob?

i guess we capture comfy and don't need to hold on to your self well effect you have your man and he will love you for the agency u are thats why.

I am a 23 year old who have?

We get married, and we capture comfortable. There's no real competition to "impress" your husband beside what you look like. It's without fault normal to gain some consignment after you get married. Don't tolerate anybody tell you that you're a freak if you do so. The lone opinion that matter is yours and your husbands.

If you eat in shape, and do some form of exercise-you'll be able to regulate what you gain.

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