Woman backing needed? what to look for? how can i?

i'm asking in this column because i specifically requirement girls help. my gf is 15 and she's really cute, and resembling 5'2. i told her joking that i didn't conjecture any girl could slap my face. she disagreed. twice contained by the last week, lately playing around, she has imperturbably flipped her right hand out, and slapped me on my vanished cheek easily-not hard, but fast-. she's virtuous at it. she told me she has done it seriously to 2 other guys, and get them both too, same spot. i don't know how to block that she was right. so how can i? how are girls so apt at this? and what can i look for in her body prose to let me know she is going to slap? so i can block it.

Answers:    very well i'm just 5' and i can slap my friend who is 6'something simply to put him in his place and show that simply because i'm small doesnt mean i can't hurt him.
as for blocking that she be right just dispense up now because we are other right.
as for body language i don't estimate i give rotten any signs im about to he purely has a slow recoil time. i don't do it hard its simply a play slap and i'm sure she does to so there is no inevitability to be afraid

hope this helps
If she is a solid girlfriend and she respects you then adjectives you should have to do is inform her not to do it anymore. What will be next? Kicking? Girls are devout at that. No offense but I like to slap more consequently punch unless I'm fighting another girl. We draw from so good by practicing... And if you want it to stop simply say that you be wrong and it's really really starting to hurt. She should stop.
jeez. ask her to stop, and yes, girlz get dutiful at slapping jerks.

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