Is lifestyles a good condom to use for sheltered sex?

I've heard different things roughly LifeStyles condoms. Some say they break and aren't good, but after I've heard they're better later trojan. Help?

What's wrong?

Most condoms are manufactured in duplicate factory; the label is the one and only thing that's different.

Any key brand name condom is a obedient choice, but you should also use spermacide - either foam or jelly, and bring in sure it's water-based. Oil based lubricants will deteriorate the latex, making it possible for sperm and fluids (that can possibly carry an STD) to leave behind through.

Vomiting after alcohol?

they are better than trojan

Why is it hard to hold an orgasm on menstrual cycle?

Use only marine soluble lubricant, they are good.

The Diva Cup users!! How do you manipulate using them in public bathrooms?

i dont think so

More anorexia Nervosa question?

depends on the wiener you are putting it on. me i like them better, they fit my long glutinous shaft and bulbous head totally well.

Could you use regular bleach to whiten your teeth?

Magnums adjectives the way. It fits right n make it feel organic..

Help!! I'm freaking out here!!?

not as good as trojan, but they will work surrounded by a pinch

My right breast is bigger than left, particularly pretty but a bit saggy, normal? or extraordinary?

i got a suggestion bout you donate them both a try.
you know go at it twice and use one of respectively kind for respectively time you do it and then you be the mediate.
you can't always stir on just what ancestors say because different folks mean different experiences.

I thought i didn't weigh plenty for my period..?

The high-status thing is that you use a condom and use it properly. Usually condoms tare because they are not put on properly. You should hold the condom properly next to a reservior at the tip and roll the condom down the penis. This will afford you the best shot at protection. Any condom can break but it is not as common as you might deem if used properly. also you should understand that if the condom does break you should see your condition care provider inside 72 hours so that you might be protected from pregnancy and or disease.

How to get rid of irritantion down in attendance?

As long as you follow the instructions before using it, any one type is alright.

What if during your 1st time..?

No. Get on the Pill.



Editor of Rubber Chemistry and Technology, Dr. C. Michael Roland of the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory in Washington D.C., spoke give or take a few his research on "intrinsic flaws" in latex rubber condoms and surgical gloves (published in Rubber World, June, 1993).

Roland said that what I am about to relate is "adjectives knowledge among flawless scientists who have no political agenda."

Electron microscopy reveals the HIV virus to be just about O.1 microns in size (a micron is a millionth of a metre). It is 60 times smaller than a syphilis bacterium, and 450 times smaller than a single human sperm.

The standard U.S. parliament leakage audition (ASTM) will detect water discharge through holes only as small as 10 to 12 microns (most condoms sold surrounded by Canada are made in the U.S.A., but I'll mention the Canadian audition below). Roland says within good test based on these standards, 33% of adjectives condoms tested allowed HIV-sized particles through, and that "spermicidal agents such as nonoxonol-9 may certainly ease the alley."

Roland's paper shows electron microscopy photos of inbred latex. You can see the natural holes, or intrinsic flaws. The "inherent defect in unconscious rubber range between 5 and 70 microns."

And it's not as if government don't know. A study by Dr. R.F. Carey of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control reports that "leakage of HIV-sized particle through latex condoms was detectable for as tons as 29 of 89 condoms tested." These were brand strange, pre-approved condoms. But Roland
says a closer reading of Carey's background actually yield a 78% HIV-leakage rate, and concludes: "That the CDC would promote condoms based on [this] study...suggests its agenda is concerned beside something other than public strength and welfare." The federal government's standard test, he adds,
"cannot detect flaws even 70 times larger than the AIDS virus." Such test are "blind to leakage volumes smaller quantity tha one microliter - yet this number of fluid from an AIDS-infected individual has be found to contain as many as 100,000 HIV particle."

As one U.S. surgeon memorably put it, "The HIV virus can go through a condom similar to a bullet through a tennis net."

It's like peas in a pod story with latex gloves. Gloves from four different
manufacturer revealed "pits as large as 15 microns far-reaching and 30 microns deep." More relevant to HIV nouns, "5 micron-wide channels, pointed the entire thickness be found in adjectives the gloves." He said the presence of such defects surrounded by latex "is well established."

For Canada, the story is indistinguishable. A standard Health and Welfare Canada test of condoms manufactured between 1987 and 1990, base on stringent tests of pressure, leak, and volume (as in the U.S., in attendance is no effort to examine micron-level leakage), reported that an astonishing 40% of the
condoms tested substandard at least one of the test. Tests in 1991 showed an "improved" 28% rate.


The few statistics illustrate the effect of condoms use on HIV transmission within homosexual acts do not confer clear cut results.
R.Detels (1989)lxxxix observed a 2.9% drop in seroconversion when condoms be used in homosexual intercourse, in a cohort of 2915 helpful homosexuals initally HIV sero-negative.

But, in that statistic, the number of partners for respectively member of the cohort be almost as important a factor as the use or not of a condom.

L.Levin et al. (1995)xc found that most (71%) of the 140 active-duty childlike men with documented sero-conversion who be identified in multiple US army installations did use a condom during their homosexual or heterosexual relations.

Results seemed to indicate a paradoxal increased risk of seroconversion proportional to condom use here series.


May 29, 2004

Potent Carcinogen found in Most Condoms

Recent study has discovered the presence of a unbelievably potent carcinogen in most condoms. Small amounts of this chemical are released whenever condoms are used.

Nobody knows whether this is serious all the same however it is not likely to be fit to expose the reproductive organs to cancer-causing substances on a regular basis.

This is a potentially serious issue for much of the world's population that cannot afford or access other forms of birth control. I hope further studies will follow on this soon. Could this be related to the rise surrounded by cancer in women, and men as powerfully?
May 29, 2004 in Medicine | Permalink


Anal cancer is at tiniest 20 times more common within homosexual men than in heterosexual men.

"Is Screening for Anal Cancer Warranted in Homosexual Men?"
Sexual Health (09.04) Vol. 1; No. 3: P. 137-140::Jonathan StC. Anderson; Claire Vajdic; Andrew E. Grulich


Condom Talc threat is very serious



Talc is a markedly fine substance, so fine it can be used as a "dry" lubricant.

Talc is a chemical similar to asbestos, a known cancer cause substance. Talc is found in masses "baby and body" powders, feminine powders and copious cosmetics. It's alsp used as a lubricant on condoms! While it makes your skin "feel" slippery smooth, talc does so much more.

How does talc save babies and your private parts so "fresh"? Presumably by clogging the pores that secrete those essential fluids. Also, those fine little particles have power over to get into the system. And anyone similar to asbestos is not comforting, especially when used on babies and genital areas.

Talc's harmful effect on human tissues have been particular for quite some time. Long ago, its dry lubricating properties be used as a glove-donning powder (easy to slide on) for surgical gloves. As early as the 1930's, talc be linked to post-operative granulomatous peritonitis and fibrous adhesion.
-from Candace Sue Kasper, MD and Dr. P. J. Chandler

Talc...(on condoms)...may result in fallopian tube fibrosis near resultant infertility. Question raised by Doctors Kasper and Chandler contained by Journal of the American Medical Association. (JAMA) 3/15/95
-from Nutrition Health Review, Summer 1995 n73p8(1)

"A possible tie between talcum powder and ovarian cancer, long suspected because of talc's chemical similarity to asbestos, was strongly supported later week when a study found a higher risk of the cancer among women who used feminine deodorant sprays. The study, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, found that women who used talcum powder in the genital nouns had an increased ovarian cancer risk of 60% and women who used feminine deodorant sprays have a 90% increased risk." In 1994, the FDA conducted a scientific workshop on the issue and did not find satisfactory of a casual join to justify even a consumer off-putting.
-from The University of California, Berkeley Wellness Letter, April 1993 v9n7p1(2)




Delayed contact dermatitis from chemicals in rubber have been time-honoured since the 1930s.4 But except for rare precipitate reports, clinicians did not appreciate systemic allergic reactions to latex proteins until 1979, when shield reports began to appear within Europe. 5

Latex allergy erupted in the United States shortly after the Centers for Disease Control introduced broad-spectrum precautions in 1987. By deferred 1992, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) received 1133 reports of serious allergic reactions and anaphylaxis occurring to patients and robustness care staff associated near 30 classes of latex medical devices. There were 15 lenient deaths associated near latex barium enema catheters.5,6

The FDA estimated that the reports represented only 1% of actual occurrence.6


Recent reports in the literature indicate that from roughly 1 percent to 6 percent of the general population and nearly 8 percent to 12 percent of regularly exposed health protection workers are sensitized to latex.

An estimated 17 million Americans are now sensitive to latex ( up from not one record case twenty years ago).



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