My Friend needs oblige!!?

this is for girls only...

my friend is 14 years ripened and her right boob is bigger than the othe will she be fine? she told her mom and her mom said she's just growing...

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Most women have one that's bigger than the other, it will absolutely equal out more the older she get. She fine and very usual.

Girls Only Please.?

Thats normal. All woman enjoy one that is bigger than the other!

How do I find the product "Massengale hygene products for feminine's?

It is perfectly everyday for even fully grown women to have two slightly different sized breasts, even moreso for growing girls.

Okay ladiesWhat's your favorite food?

I estimate it is normal, her mom is right.

Depression and does it end in this?

I'm a boy but i think i can answer your examine. As she gets elder both breast will become the same size, Its newly that one is growing faster than the other.

Tell her not to be worried as she is still going through puberty this problem still has profoundly of time for correction

Do women have sexual intercu** during!?

it is mundane. chances are she will grow equally eventually.

Help AGAIN, Please ASAP!?

That is totally conventional . unless one side is 36c and the other 34a.

Is this normal after sex?

She will more than possible be ok... All of us have one boob bigger than the other... Maybe it's not something you can see right away close to with your friend, but like exact size is only achieve via plastic surgery... When she is done developing if she is way lopsided, she can win an implant... In the meantime, pad bras work wonders.

Please please please?

yeah it's perfectly ordinary.

I am getting married on August 25th My periods start on August 24th Is within anyway I can move it without BC.?

She's fine. Most women hold one that is bigger than the other.

How prominent is it to take your birth control pill at alike time each afternoon?

its fine, ans even if it stays that way in that no real condition issues involved

I have have sex with my boyfriend surrounded by the 5th day of my term, could i be pregnant even if i took postenor?

Every part on one side of your body is slightly bigger on the other side. Now if she can consistency bumps that are noticeable and not freshly the fatty tissue she should see a professional if there isnt afterwards she's okay. :)

My vagina has these small bumps around it, they do not burn and are not sore. What is it?

is it close to wayy bigger?
like noticable bigger?

capably yea, it could be that she`s growing.

Is it possible for girls to get circumcised as a kid?

yes... one half of your body is bigger than the other.
dont you make out when tryin on shoes how they feel a lil dif..?

Has anyone ever used the instead menstrual cup during a strapping flow?

shes fine, these things happen, but she might want to run get a mamogram newly incase

I feel sick, suggestions?

That's categorically right.

If she's really worried, though, it wouldn't hurt to talk to a doctor and/or gynocologist going on for it.

Do people usually appropriate a shower after intercourse?

that is normal within teen/woman, though if she feels lumps.def. budge to the dr and have it looked at. better sheltered then sry.

Pictures of the stages of puberty within girls?

yes this is totally normal

Pads or tampons for track?

hahahahaha every girl have a miss sized boob. something freeky with me is that i notice one day my right be bigger then disappeared. and then the subsequent it was the toher opening around and im 16. there isnt anything she have to worry almost every girl or women has a bigger boob consequently the other you just singular would notice it if you where on earth to actually stare at within boobies. your friend has zilch to worry around.

Is my size ok?


About birth control pills?


Ladies When you are having your spell will you have sex beside your partner?

Yes she is just growing. Im kinda indistinguishable way. It WILL even out over time.

I'm have an identity crisis (long)?

I'm not a girl, but I know the answer anyway. Most women do not have "equal-sized" breasts. It's everyday. The difference may be very small, almost unseen. The difference may be significant, effortlessly seen. But amazingly few (if any) women have without a flaw matched breasts. But from a guy's point of view, it "doesn't matter".

Side effects coming bad the pill?

it's normal relay her friend that is ok,
it happen to every one

Is Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) the only explanation for a somewhat fishy odor?

completely commonplace happens to every womanly

What happened to my extent?

she is ok

What could a doctor say?

100% conventional.ya she'z growing... hope u understand

For ladies lone?

A lot of girls breasts do not develop at exactly the same time. It is usually pretty conventional for one to be a little bit smaller than the other even when they are completely developed. However, the subsequent time she is at the doc, she should have them check her out. Good Luck!

What r cases contained by which periods bring back late or missed when u rnot pregnant?

That's fine. I'm 20, have a baby, and they're still irregular damnit. lol

I enjoy my period for 5 days and this month it be 3 days and it has never did thatadvice if you can?

that is funny because that happen to my friend and she went to the docotor and it is ordinary. she is 12 so... the docotor said that it is prefectly normal. one grows and the other catch up and over and over but when they stop ggrowing they willbe the same size. suitable luck to your friend

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that is average her mom is right she is growing and also one boob is always going to be alittle bigger after other

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