One day term pregnant? Miscarriage? cramps! HELP!?

I had a extent that lasted 1 sunshine. I never have a extent early. I shouldnt be have a period for at tiniest another week or so. I took a pregnancy test and it be negative. I have severe pain surrounded by one of my ovaries for about 36 hrs. Then it adjectives stopped. Could I be pregnant? I dont want to be.wouldnt a pregnancy test describe me I was after 2-3 weeks after sex? Help!
I enjoy been pregnant beforehand and never had this 1 light of day bleeding thing.

My breasts flop, is there anything excluding surgery that can help?

conceivably a cyst, a period avgs 3 to 5 days bleeding could be from cyst since just 1 day and not beside your schedule, get appointment with gyno, when be last pap?

Does anyone know of a chat forum for women experiencing severe quill loss?

might be a cyst burst

Why does my doctor do that?

you need to shift to a doctor to find out for sure

Would you support abortion?

go to a doctor and get that pap and a pregnancy experiment if he sees any signs, geeze

What is the difference between contraceptive LD and contraceptive DE(pill for birth control) which one better

When the ovary twinge stopped did you have an upset stomach or nausea? You could own had a cyst and it ruptured. You really do call for to get a pap, in that could be more going on. Bleeding periodically, ovary pain, and fruitless cramps COULD be signs of endometriosis. Not saying it is but those are some symptoms.

Why are my nipples so sore?

You answered your own grill,Hon.

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