Does anyone know exactly what cause bladder infections?

I was just wondering... I hold another one again. I didn't have any problems for months and now enjoy another one. Before I would get one almost every month or so.

* I have my antibiotic from the doctor already *
* I don't enjoy any STD's or anything like that... and have be with my husband for over 10 years.
* I'm in my behind 20's and have had 3 children.
* I have a hysterectomy 3 years ago.

Just thought I'd throw in those facts in baggage it was something that you needed to know to respond.
Any ideas or tips for me?

Thanks for the relieve & feedback!

Do you know any website or exercises within which I can increase my bust?

i have the exact same problem as you - i have chronic UTI's and doctor's don't know why. anyways, bladder infections usually come going on for from a UTI that spread to the bladder. most UTI's go away on their own if you drink lots of water and some liquid (any kind of juice will do, the myth of cranberry liquid curing UTI's is just that - a myth). it's good that you go to the doctor got antibiotics, otherwise it would have spread to the kidney's. this have happened to me a couple of times and i ended up contained by the hospital for a few days on an IV. kidney infections are EXTREMELY painful - it feels approaching someone punched you in the back as rock-hard as they could over and over again and it's hard to breath cuz they are inflammed. anyways, what i found that works for me is Always cleansing wipes. you can find them contained by the aisle with all the pad and tampons. they are for keeping you fresh during your period, especially if you use pads (i use tampons and they still fashion me feel extra fresh during that time of the month). but i use them whenever i go to the bathroom (they're flushable), after i own sex with my bf, and when i'm on my period. they hold an antibiotic that wipes away extra bacteria that toilet serious newspaper doesn't get. i still get carry UTI's, but ever since i started using the Always cleansing wipes, i don't get them nearly as much as i used to.
so, your bladder infection is probably from an asymptomatic UTI. the Always cleansing wipe are about $4 a package, but TOTALLY worth it! i really suggest this product if you still hold problems with UTI's. hope this helps!

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I do know that rough sex can motivation them for me. A great cure is to drink cranberry juice. It works immediately and will store you a trip to the doctor. Drink it off and on for 24 hours and then you can stop if symptoms dance away. Some females are just prone to bladder infections and has zilch to do with sex!

I saw this video online?

-wiping from back to front-having anal sex after going back to the "other hole"-holding your pee for too long-not drinking enough juice..i use to always get bladder infections but i found out it be actually something where i don't isolated my bladder all the way and cause symptoms of a bladder infection.

Pad interrogate girls singular please [unless you are a doctor]?

Bacteria causes it.

Sex can if he is rubbing on the urethra is the #1 reason.
Dirty hand, or toys are also a cause.

I had a gf that get them all the time, she started to wear cotton undies that she microwaved for 15 sec before she put them on. The infections go away.

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