This is for woman please...?

ok so i started my period contained by january 2005, and i have have fairly regular ones ever since EXEPT... i started losing substance and exercising more, and now i dont drink that much... and i havent had a interval since january 2007... thats about 4 ive missed! assistance!! should i be worried? is there anything i can do?


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Bodies can do some really weird and interesting things. I remember a couple of years after i started my time, I had Volleyball practice surrounded by the mornings, and basketball practice at night so I be always moving. I didn't have my extent for 5 or 6 months. Sometimes your body just desires to re-adjust to your life style. I would not verbs if I were you, but if you receive to the point where you haven't have your period surrounded by 6-8 months, talk to your mom nearly it, and ask her what you should do! You'll be fine!

Birth control..?

um.. well if you are underweight presently that could be why.. but i'd call my doctor basically to be on the safe side.

moral luck!


it is almost certainly a direct result of poor diet and bulk loss. Why are you trying to lose so uch weight? women are suppose to hold curves...

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Why don't you eat that much? You obligation to continue intake enough calories a daytime to supply your body with get-up-and-go. You probably have immensely low blood pressure by now.

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You need to see your doctor

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Diet and evercise can amend the frequency of your period. If you lose too much bulk, then that could be the problem. Maybe you should collaborate to your OB/GYN.

What is a hickey?

Amenorrhea occurs if a woman misses three or more period in a row.
Some womanly athletes who participate within rowing, long distance running, and cycling, may notice a few missed period. Women athletes at a particular risk for developing amenorrhea include ballerinas and gymnasts, who typically exercise strenuously and get through poorly.
It is a sign of malnutrition, the body tell the ovaries to stop making hormones because it feels it's going through a starvation extent. This is something that has to be diagnosed by a doctor, since seem to me you have a hormonal lack of correspondence.

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weighing too little; eating too little and loosing shipment too rapidly severley shift your hormones; it sounds as if your body is contained by a constant state of starvation and your hormones are shut down to conserve energy; try intake a more balanced diet and try and stay at a BMI of 18-24.5, if and when you correct your dietary traditions don't be suprised if your periods don't come on right away... it may filch time to correct themselves.


it is because you have started exercising more and not drinking as much that will most defiantly affect it.

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Often womanly atheletes will skip periods due to the training and diet they are on. Try intake better and for a trial period of time, try to exercise smaller number and see if they return. There is almost probably nothing wrong physically next to you. You just might not be giving your body what it wants for this to occur.

Guys Answer!!?

You requirement to see a doctor my friend is like that she get her period 5 times a year some item like that and she told me that her doctor told her that alots of feminine who exercise alot don't get nearby period approaching other girls.

What's up down there?

Ok. If you are maxim that you only started getting your length 2 years ago then I can aid you out. For one thing, the first couple of years of have your period can be outstandingly erratic and irregular..meaning, you don't other get the at like peas in a pod time and/or you might miss a period occasionally. Also, if you are dieting and working out that can also hold an affect on your cycle. Changes in your diet and physical routine WILL own a direct affect on your cycle. In your case though, missing 4 period is quite abundantly. If you are in anyway adjectives yourself or over exercising that can make your time of year stop. If that's not the case next you should be worried and you should see you Doctor.

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