Lightheaded,dizzy and brown discharge ??

im not due for my period for another 9 days and today ive be feeling lightheaded,dizzy and i also hold brown disscharge. Im not on the pill anymore i stopped it last month

Just started to use a tampon and I enjoy trouble?

This coloured discharge is probably to do with after you anyone on the pill, coming off the pill your hormones are a bit screwed up and need time to sort out, this funds your periods will probably be irregular for the subsequent couple of months [and you may get spotting - spots of blood between periods].While mortal on the pill, women are more likely to develop yeast infections, this might also be a basis. As for the lightheadedness and dizziness, if this continues I would see a doctor. I don't see how this can be part of your body coping beside coming off the pill. Unless you're really stressed at the moment or your diet isn't what it should be, I'd be worried if this carry on.

Hope this helped.

What sympathetic?

I think your getting your term....

PERIOD QUESTIONSuggh someone help me out?

i reckon it is ok, with you only coming off the pill things will be rather irregular for a while, try not to worry, obviously if you are not happy, budge and have a chat beside your gp, hope you are ok.


are you pregnant?

How do i know if she is?!?!?

why ask on here get to doctors


you may be pregnant


It may nouns silly, but do you use tampons?and if so are you absolutely sure you havent moved out one inside you?I ask because years ago i kept feeling dizzy and have a horrible watery brown discharge, when my doctor eventually checked downstairs he found self left a tampon surrounded by!it was more embarassing than anything, but could hold been really serious if psyche developed toxic shock syndrome.Hope you get sorted!

How do i resembling make my term not so heavy?

go the doctors brown discharge is not typical

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