I had my regular extent but then started bleeding a time after i was done.i would close to to know why ?


I had 2 extraordinary paps and now I'm have a colposcopy. Anyone have this done?

Not every woman within the world gets their spell for exactly 7 days. Sometimes even though you are pretty sure your period have come and gone, you can never be quite sure that it is really gone. Don't stress it. If your interval goes for more than what you are usually used to, brand name an appointment at the closest OBGYN, and ask a few questions. Even if you don't gross an appointment, I'm pretty sure if you just send for them, they should have an "over the phone nurse" - thats pretty much what they're their for. Hope every piece works out. =]

The medicine and robustness information post by website user , womenanswers.org not guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical proposal or treatment for any medical conditions.

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