What the f----. (FOR WOMAN ONLY)?

I just started using Nuvaring again almost 3 and a half weeks ago. I own never had a problem using the ring. Anyways Friday I took the ring out, and 3 days subsequently, Monday my menstrual started but a day after I took the ring out I had ominous leg and pelvic pain approaching in the groin nouns all the style down to my knees. The pain just happened around 3 times on Saturday the day after I took out the ring. My menstrual came as planned but I narrowly have any bleeding. Very pale and now I in actuality have stopped bleeding. That would be a menstrual of smaller quantity than 2 days, I have no time of year symptoms either. Could I hold gotten pregnant on the ring or could something else be happening next to my body. How would you explain the terrible leg and groin misery?

Help! Mind blowing sex life.?

I be on the ring for almost 2 years & my periods be very hurricane lantern, 2 days like you said, but the leg cramping I didn't enjoy, like the pill & other hormone base contraceptive they can cause blood clots contained by your legs you should not put another ring in until you talk to your Dr., hope that help

Do you get pimples every time your time of the month comes?


Health query - professionals please answer!!?

Your body is rejecting it or what it is made of for some reason See a Dr and bring back something else

HELP PLZZZ idk what to do!!?

I use it too, and I have have about every side effect possible! I am going to be switching from it to something else soon! I estimate that you def need to walk and get a preg interview just to bring in sure that you are not pregnant. then telephone your doc and just ask him/her what they consider about it!

Is it possible that nearby are some sperm left on his entity and may get me pregnant even if wipe it off after?

was that one of the possible side effects on the insert it come with? read over the insert again. agree to your doctor know about the backache and light interval. take a preggers audition to be safe.

Period for 1 Day lone?

Are you pregnant? Anything is possible since most birth control is not 100%. The pain may enjoy nothing to do beside the ring, so I would go to your gynecologist to own that checked out.

Time of the month pms!!?

You probably inserted your ring in wrong and took it out to quick subsequent time you insert it or take it out lay down and you probably won't own leg pain or shakes.

How do i go and get over my pee shyness (girl)?

see you dr. alot of times your hormones may have changed don't wonder find out for sure these problems could basis infertility

? muscle cramps,legs hurts to walk?


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