Is it possible that there are some sperm moved out on his thing and may seize me pregnant even if wiped it sour after?

is it possible that there are some sperm gone on his thing and may obtain me pregnant even if wiped it rotten after?

here's the thing, my bf and i have an oral sex and he came. he wipe it off next to a cloth and then continued on have sex this time, he penetrated his thing on me. is it possible that at hand are some sperm left on and may obtain me pregnant even if wiped it stale after a first ejaculation? is there a possibility that i could achieve pregnant in this situation? pls answer..

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Yes. People get pregnant lately by having sweet petting sessions. You should be using a condom anyway. Even if he did ejaculate, he still can have pre-ejaculation come out while have sex (which is full of sperm) & maybe even ejaculate inside of you. Plus at hand's the risk of STD's. Use a condom even when you have oral sex. You can still bring back STD's from having oral sex also. Please be nontoxic & not a "walking statistic poster".

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yes it's possible

Girls one and only please.?

Yes, it is very possible. Sperm dies when it dryes, but in that are millions and millions of sperm, just by wipe it off next to a washcloth, it is still full of sperm.

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It is definitely possible. Just because he wipe it off doesn't indicate that there isn't more still not here inside that could seep out. Use protection to be secure. Although, it is less probable to become pregnant, it is not an alternative at all.

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Yes it is highly possible that you could return with pregnant. There can be left over sperm inside of him and can drip into you.

I would jump get yourself check out by your doctor or at a local clinic.

What on dirt? I hope its what i think?

Yes it's possible, but sperm does die honourably quickly when exposed to nouns; it's rare, but possible. I'm concerened that a soul who has to write "thing" a bit than "penis" is having sex. How behind the times are you? If you are sexually active, you NEED to be on the pill.

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Yes it is. I know that some individuals believe that having intercourse after giving oral sex will dwindling the risks of pregnacy, this is most likely true. However, sperm remains inside the shaft and come slowly drip out without fear it. That may be enough to to attain you pregnant. Everytime a guy ejectulates the number of sperm that is release deceases, when I be younger, my GF's would get me oral sex 3-4 times within a roll before we have sex to greatly limit the amount of sperm that would still ejactulate out of me for the remaining times we have sex. I never used condoms and never got anyone pregnant.

Is it true(females solitary!)?


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