Health press - professionals please answer!!?

I'm fed up of my GP, be trying to get answers for this for the second 4 years (i'm 21 now).

*constantly tired and lethargic, serious want of energy, falling asleep in work
*ridiculously stout, erratic periods (and i cant cart the pill)
*regular constipation
*weight gain (not serious amounts but not down to my diet i eat relatively healthily)
*unexplained aches and pains adjectives over my body

no matter how much sleep i hold, i still feel tired. the doctor told me to exercise - i just have the activeness to get up an move about to the loo!

i have around 7 hours a hours of darkness. however on the weekend if not woken i can slightly easily sleep adjectives day. i can come home from work exhausted, but by the time i acquire to bed i'm wide awake and can't sleep.

i hold been tested for thyroid problems which come back clear. any accepted wisdom? serious answers from medical professionals please!


How deep is your vagina ?

My first entity with the Chronic fatigue would be mono(nucleosis) depending on length and severity of symptoms
Possibly an peculiar composition of your digestive hormones, small intestine/gall bladder/panc
An abdominal/pelvic CT scan WITH CONTRAST might be helpful surrounded by determing if anything is wrong with your internal organs.
Definitely enjoy some lab work done, is it possible you have Lyme's disease do you live in the vicinity the woods
Another possibility would be a sleeping disorder, where you don't bring back enough REM sleep at night
Unfortunately its really intricate to diagnose with out seeing myself. If it gets to intense I don`t know check into a good ER somewhere
Also I know if you move about to you might be able to put contained by your symptoms in and obtain a more accurate match

Best of luck, sorry I can't be of more help

Do Diet Pills really work (if combined next to exercise & diet)do they "help" losing more weight?

Have you be checked for anemia. Most of your symptoms check out and it is very adjectives and easily treatable. My wife have it and I can tell when she does not transport pill she is suppose to for it.

Over lubrication and dryness?

Thyroid would have be my first guess on this. I'd have your blood tested for both diabetes and anemia.

Is it ok ??

Perhaps some time ago you ingested food which have affected your benefit and it was kept within your body because you had not eliminate it.

My only solution that worked for me is to hold only steamed vegies and one or two steamed free list eggs with respectively meal for something like two or three days. This will bring back your body toxicity to a smooth where it will not affect your body and you will quality better. No breads and alcohol food that has vinegar in it. Drink lots of tea made near filtered dampen to get rid of added chemicals.

KEEP away from processed foods sold within tins or prepared sauces after you completed the cleansing diet. If you eat something that will effect you will be adjectives some 6 to 8 hours after ingestion.

Do you like going commando in tight jeans?

My first thought is chronic fatigue syndrome. Alot of your symptoms sounds resembling endimetriosis and/or really severe anemia. Have you been tested for cassette worms? Yes, I know it's a weird give somebody the third degree, but a tape worm would bear all of your B12, as a consequence zapping all your strength.

Perhaps it's time for a investigational gynecologist who will take you seriously. That would be my strongest guidance. I hope you find the help you conspicuously need. Good luck, sweetie.

Are near withdrawal pains from not smoking?

My first guess would be anemia as powerfully, but I'm sure your doctor ran regular blood work and would hold found out if you were anemic, however taking a multivitamin beside extra iron in it can't hurt. I would own thought Mono, but you've had this for years and mono would hold only last a few months. Why is it you can't take the pill? Have you tried a depo shot the patch or a nuva ring? My closing guess would be just plain prehistoric depression. Most depressed people enjoy the first symptom of fatigue and wanting to sleep all the time as capably as lack of ambition or motivation to do things. You may obligation a light antidepressant to comfort get your hormones spinal column in check.

Is this majority?

Wow. I think I've found my medical twin. How strange!

Sounds close to you're gonna need some blood work (sorry). If it's not the thyroid, next (as someone else mentioned), maybe it's anemia.

You might also own Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

A good hypothesis would be to try to get more than 7 hours a hours of darkness. Try to find your optimal number of hours a night. I bring really tired a lot, and resembling you, I can sleep for hours and hours. I've discovered that I feel much better if I seize 9 hours a night and if I maintain my sleep schedule more or smaller amount constant. In other words, try not to fall asleep more than 2 hours then on the weekends than you do on the weekdays. I know it sucks, because you're 21 and you want to be up late on the weekends, probably (and I am a pot calling a kettle black because it's almost 4 am, but I am a total insomniac), but it'll brand name you feel so much better.

Another belief -- how is your mental health? If you're depressed, that might be making you sleep more.

And, admittedly, the exercise is a apposite idea. Walking would even be well-mannered.

As for the gastrointestinal stuff, you might want to get that checked out. To cut down on constipation, try upping your fiber intake. Also, Miralax is a extraordinarily easy anti-constipation drug if it ever get really bad, and it's non-toxic, so you don't own to worry in the order of it unlike with other laxatives. A stool softener (just an over the counter one) might also be another piece to experiment with. You should absolutely talk to a GI specialist.

As for the integrated pain, do you own any other symptoms? For example, do your fingers and toes get numb frequently? If so, see a rheumatologist ASAP.

Some relatives just grasp joint agony (mine has so far gone not remarkably diagnosed). It sucks, but it happens. Don't agree to it limit you, though. Aleve (Sodium/Natrium Naproxen) works for mutual pain and for swelling. Try taking it back you go to bed (or whenever you have need of it). Don't take more than three a hours of daylight without chitchat to a doctor first. If that isn't enough, bargain to your doctor about potential prescriptions.

As for the period, the pill is the best option. Is the apology you can't take it due to parents flipping out, or for money or medical reason? If it's due to parents, I think you can explain to them that your period are highly erratic and that you're going through tampons faster than Paris Hilton go through men (well, maybe next to a different metaphor). I'm sure they'll understand. The pill can really relieve. I was on the pill to give support to me with my cramps and importantly erratic periods and it be amazing. I got it the final Tuesday of the month at 10:30 AM. It was approaching clockwork. Alas, now I'm stale it, and my cycle ranges from 2 weeks long to 5 months. I'm going back on it, though, luckily!

Best of luck next to all the issues. I hope you find out what's wrong. I can relate beside almost all of those problems, and I know it's no fun. The best entity you can do is talk to your doctor, I don`t know see a couple specialists, and try to stay on a regular sleep schedule. Good luck! I hope I be helpful :)

Have any of you tried greer childers "shapely secrets" or oxycise?

Have you be tested for anemia or endometriosis?

"that time of the month" ..?

Get your blood results from you GP.

When they test for thyroid problems they test for TSH. If you fall into the mundane range they consider you conventional. Problem is that different labs and doctors use different ranges. What is considered the normal field should be 0.3 to 3.0. High indicates an under stirring thyroid. Most people are close to 1.0.

So you should look at your results, and if it is above 3.0 your thyroid is your problem. Even a lower meaning but above 2.0 may indicate a problem.

An endocrinologist is a metabolism specialist. You may want to see one.

I am not a professional but a patient who have thyroid cancer.

What are the side effects should a glycerin suppository be accidentally inserted in the wrong hole?

Wow, this sounds so familiar. I would enunciate go spinal column to the docs and ask for another thyroid check, and also maybe grasp a hormone or estrogen level done also. Hormonal inequality can wreak havoc on your life. Maybe BC option would help restore the be a foil for and give you some gusto. Also check for a different type of anemia. There are more than 400 types of anemia, which can be broadly classified into three categories:

anemia cause by blood loss.
anemia caused by decrease or faulty red blood cell production.
anemia cause by destruction of red blood cells.

Have the doctor check and see if this is your problem. We never have an explanation for her constant weight loss and gain, and fatigue, and overeating. She have a type of anemia.
Do some research. Good Luck.

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