So i purely get my length after it one 2 months behind...

but the thing is i have a prom tomorrow darkness. Will this make the whole hours of darkness awkward and uncomfortable? I have a tight dress and its table lamp coloured..Any tips on how to make the night still pleasing in this TERRIBLE situation? (im so annoyed lol)

Answers:    Yikes. That is not a situation I'd like to be contained by. My most sincere apologies.

If you're planning on keeping your "pants on" that evening, it shouldn't be that big of a deal. Make sure you enjoy a tampon in, probably a super just surrounded by case, and wear a liner. With a light dress, you do not want a single coincidence of something leaking. Trust me on that one. -.-

Also, take some Ibuprofen until that time you go incase you get cramps. Always well brought-up to be prepared than have an issue.

OH that stinks lol :( it will only breed your night awkward if you allow it to, so dont! its a prom and probably many toher girls will enjoy their period too. wear tampons and change frequently, bring those fresh wipe things next to you. most of all have fun & don't verbs about it ! :) Wear a tampon and take some medication if you get cramps and you'll be fine, if you look at the bright side though you could have gotten it contained by the middle of prom and not have been prepared. That would hold been bad. Have fun!.

don't verbs, i always pray I won't get it when there's something I hold to do, like go swimming or to a jamboree. .
bring a few in your purse. no i think u'll be fine....relish being a girl

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