Peeing every hour? Whats going on? Help please?

Im a 17 year old womanly. The past 3 days i've be feeling resembling i have to pee every single hour. It doesnt hurt when i pee or anything its a moment ago so frequent. I'm not drinking any more liquids than i generally would. My bladder will feel really full and after i'll pee and then minutes next it'll feel full again but i dont pee that much. It basically always feel full and i'll have to pee! What is this? Should i achieve this checked out?

Advice on Birth Control?

You're probably not pregnant. It sounds like a urinary tract infection. Just because it doesn't hurt, doesn't close-fisted you don't have one. You want to go see a doctor and achieve a urine test done. You may obligation antibiotics. Drinking LOTS of water and cranberry liquid will help you get the impression better faster.

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Have you be drinking alot of fluids lately? Is there a possibility of pregnancy?

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Go to a doc!! I presume this might be a bladder infection or worse!

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It may be a urinary tract infection. Try drinking cranberry liquid for a couple of days. That usually clears it up. If the problem persists I would suggest seeing a doctor for antibiotics.

"Cranberry liquid also has be shown to have positive effects on UTIs. DON'T use the giving of juice that say "Juice Cocktail" on the label. That have too much sugar and is not concentrated enough beside cranberries. Make sure the cranberry juice is 100% liquid, many brands are very soon 100% cranberry. Quality cranberry juice produces hippuric tart in the urine which acidifies the urine and prevents microbes from sticking to the walls of the bladder. If pure cranberry juice is not available, cranberry capsule can be substituted. They can be found in most robustness food stores. Always take these near a large cup of water."

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