Period abet!!?

i first got mi time of year on the 20th Jan o8 n it lasted 7 days n i still havent get it

i noe there irregular at first but wen will it come?

Answers:    wow im glad im a guy
Your spell could be irregular your whole energy. It is a myth that it has to come on a "regular" agenda. But since you just first started to menstruate your body requests time to adjust and get on a agenda. Don't worry hon. Right presently based on what you own said, you aren't having any problems as of all the same. OK? Wow It could be anyrime..a month 3 months...6 months..don't worry honey the first 2 years I would bring back mine at randomn intervals like 4 months,5 months, 2 weeks..
All of them are deeply different,but if u make a chart.U most predictable can have and view of when u will start again.And u obly get on 1 time a month chill, relax and hang around. the more you stress, the more you are likely to own a delay. when i started, i have 3 months before i have my second one... its ok. dont worry
it ok, when i first started i skipped every other will come when u don't expect it...AGAIN your time isnt even late but!! it depends on your varies for every woman. walk to your doctor or read health sites online...and maintain track of it if you are concerned...
You'll know when it comes. Be patiant and ready. um in that is no way to really detail it could always be irregular. mine have been since i first get it. do not and i repeat do not stress out about it because if you do next you will be even more late!
Dont stress.
Its without fault normal.
When i first get mine, i skipped five months.
Its nothing to verbs about. The menstrual cycle will be irregualr until it get used to your body.
So dont worry. Everything is fine. For some empire, thier periods can be irregular thier complete life.
Just a part of a set of growing up. && Its sucks! Lol.

- Massie
i like the first guy who answered this grill. lol anyways, that happened to me but it skipped a in one piece month and somehow it all basically got hindmost on track the next month. here is no way for us to let somebody know when it will come, but it will get on track soon plenty, and keep a calendar. if you are still concerned move about to the doctor. just distribute it some time it will come im sure of it, its been in the region of a month maybe somewhat over stay calm period differ from person to soul
ok your body just started so its gonna try different times previously it gets into a programme. when i got my first interval it would start again every three months for a while. after a while it started to come sooner. and now it is regular it comes once every month like everyone else. so contribute your body some time to figure out what it requests to do. remember your body runs on its own clock. If you have a 28 afternoon cycle (which is the median/average) you can expect it on/about the 24th of Feb. You count 28 days (or your average cycle once you figure it out over time) after the final full day of menstruation. That will be approximately the afternoon you can expect to begin your subsequent period. Alot of childlike women have enormously irregular periods though especially at first, but mine be pretty much like clockwork. Just product sure you have protection purely in shield you start at school. Also, I would recommend getting some pantyliners, they work wonders by keeping you from have an accident surrounded by case your interval starts at an inopertune time. Hope everything goes capably for you:)
give it time you a short time ago got it it should come soon It as a rule comes around the same time. Sometimes it switches up and comes at the foundation of the month instead of the end or middle. Eventually as times go on YOU will learn the symptons of when its coming. Like wanting sweets,saline foods, breast tenderness and other unnatural feelings. WELCOME TO WOMAN HOOD!
It will be irregular may be for one year (more ot less), next it ll be regular, but if not after one year you obligation to ask a doctor.
Do not worry I know some young at heart ladies feel confused but after a while you ll procure used to it. But do not worry, do not hold thinking of it. when you have your first extent you have roughly speaking a year of irregularity before you bring normal i go 3 months and so do most people if you havent have sex then you enjoy nothing to verbs about
your spell will be irregular when you first get it. be grateful you've solely dealt next to the lovely time of month once. you just gottta continue darlingg. make sure you hold pads or tampons (whichever is more comfy for ya) bring them to arts school or out with you surrounded by a backpack or purse.

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