After taking the contraceptive pills...?

I want to know about whether my ''time of year' is normal or not.
Basically, the contraceptive pill stop ur ovulation, but still you will own a bleed every week, right...

I mean , the bleed be a very small amount...I do'nt know whether this is typical or not?

Could anyone help?!

Thanks. x

Best Way?

When I be on the pill, I had period that were totally light and last for 2 days, so this is normal. Be reliable not to rely that it will always be resembling this,now and again it can be heavier.

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Is it your first month of taking them? I be on a very strong bc for times gone by 2,5 years and then I switched a month and a partly ago. I was stressing like mad because my period be late the first time (on the unsullied ones) and only last about 2 days. I'm waiting to see how the second month will be. You will hold periods like as normal, you simply don't ovualte and it's wonderful, there's almost no anguish and it's usually lighter and shorter. I had massively bad time pains and pms, it's almost non-existent now.
Good luck! =)

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when i was on the ortho tricyclen (the pill) it regulated my term. I would not have a term for the first 3 weeks then the 4week (the pills w/o hormones) i would enjoy a period

when I was on depo provra ( 3month shot) I have and irregular period but never did I bleed every week.

in a minute with implanon ( the shoot that's in your arm) it be implanted in on 5/21 4 weeks after the birth of my 1st daughter i get my period 6/1 which be normal. they read out with implanon it will variety your period irregular but I don';t know all the same too soon to tell

Why? Period?

Everyone is different, purely go near the flow (no pun intended). If it is not broke then don't fix it. If you hold a problem with niggle or very substantial bleeding, then see your doctor.

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no you suldnt bleed every week unless your taking it wrong lug the pill everyday at the same time (imoirtant)

to bring the best out of the pill take the pill for three months and after come off for one week and verbs the cycle

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