Bra and period question?

i want to wear a bra but my mom said no, i really want to know what it like to wear bra?

another request for information is when you are on your period and you seize out of the shower how soon do you need to put on a maxi wad or tampon?

my friend is have a pool carnival can i swim if i am having my time of year?

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wearing a bra isnt adjectives that fun,for me i have something like 5 mins after i get out of the shower to put on a wad or tampon , yes u can swim if u are having your extent as long as u wear a tampon

What does this mean?

Wearing a bra is no big accord I mean you win used to it. Why would your mom say no nearly wearing a bra?

I dry off and when i put my underwear on I put surrounded by a tampon

You can swim on your period as long as you own a tampon i

Serious Help!?

if you have boobs. you own to wear a bra. your moms stupid.
you have to put a wad or tampon in/on as soon as u get out. and get hold of dressed...
yeah u can swim. if ur wearing a tampon.

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well ok first u might not need to wear a bra nonetheless and that's why your mom said no and when u are on your period u put on any a tampon or a pad within your underwear ( only if it is a wipe u know where to put the other one..) as soon as u carry out of the shower or right after you dry yourself and yes u CAN swim when u are on your period but ONLY if u wear a tampon if u don't use them later u can't go swimming rationale the pad will attain all raining and soggy and start to disolve and go into the pool along beside the other uh stuff..

I went to the doctor ruin of april im not prego? what else can be wrong? im 3 months late. dr doesnt know?

Believe me, when you enjoy to start wearing a bra, you'll hate it. Enjoy person free while you can.

After you get out of the shower, dry yourself and put your panties and wipe on or insert a tampon. You aren't going to start dripping on the floor.

You can go swimming if you use a tampon.

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First, its not that special wearing a bra, its of late like another piece of clothing you own to put on in the morning, second after you win out of the shower, i usually just put a wipe on right away and third you cant swim when your on your period because you'll bleed contained by the water and turn it red,not fun but you can swim if you own a tampon tho...

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well to answer your first question, if you really want to wear a bra after just give an account your mom, and hopefully she'll listen and if anything she could just bring you a training one, but its not that amazing to wear one. and your second question, it adjectives depends on what day you are on resembling if its near the come to an end you could probably go swimming and be fine, but if its hard by the beginning I would recommend against it. And just t stockpile time i just put on a wad right after i get out of the shower.

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Ok, let me seize this have your interval, but your mom won't let you wear a bra? Correct me if I am wrong, but usually you start getting boobs first and start wearing a bra, afterwards you get your time of year sometime after that. Why doesn't your mom want you to wear a bra? My daughter is 12 and she wears one (when I catch her to put it on, which is like every morning). They really can be annoying, don't be in a rush to wear one. As for how so you necessitate to get a wipe or tampon in (or on) within is no big rush, whenever you get your underwear on consequently do it. (So blood doesn't get everywhere). Sorry to you chap reading this, not something you wanted to see I know. But this young-looking lady needed relieve.

Pregnant and sooooo not "in the mood"!?

Bras can be drastically uncomfortable and hot contained by the summer. Soft sports bras absorb perspiration and can certainly keep you cooler. If you are voluminous the straps can dig into your shoulders. I didn't wear a bra until I be out of college. If you don't have to wear one-don't- wear a nice camisole.
If you are on your length and flowing better put in a clean tampon or wad on after you get dried rotten.
You can swim if you're having your period-just wear a tampon or an Instead cup(only own to change them something like every 6 hours-no oops or strings.)

Virgin again?

~wearing a bra isnt "special"~
it just shapes your breast so they dont look pointy or croked and they are also supportive so your boobs arent bouncing arund when your runnng or even walking

~if you only just got out of the shower and you want to where on earth a pad i would hang about until you're COMPLETLY dry~
you dont want you pad sticking to you. its vastly uncomfortable. i would suggest wearing a tampon after a shower if you're going somwhere similar to right after. So you dont have to wander around picing at your but trying to keep your wipe from sticking to your skin.

~of course you can swim~
dont let your extent keep you from have fun! just remember to wear a tampon. NOT A PAD. if you identify blood in the pool than any change your tampon r win another with a sophisticated absorbancy.

Hope i helped!!

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She said no? Weird. Not wearing bras means your breasts will hang down quicker. A good supportive bra will comfort your breasts to not sag.

When I've showered while on my spell, when I step out of the shower to dry off, I notice some menstrual blood on my towel while I wipe, so the sooner you get a pad/tampon on the better.

Wear a tampon if you are menstruating and want to swim.

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