Best Way...?

What is the best way to shave 'down at hand' without getting red bumps and/or soreness? I shave adjectives of it...and need to numeral out a better way to remove the quill, painlessly and effectively.

Donating eggs?

lol.. get into a reheat bath - that usually softens the hair and relaxes the follicles.

next, use a lady-shaving gel and a flawless, sharp women's razor, and VERY practically shave away. i recommend Gillette's Lady Venus - love the swivel head. :O)

shaving to the hair growth will trademark it sting less next. if you want it really smooth, shave in the direction of the growth first, after go over it again against the direction of growth.

be sure to moisturise after. nearby are also hair-softening creams available (i use Sothys) to make your spine finer and softer.

and unfortunately, i don't know how to alleviate the itching when it grows spinal column. ;O) good luck!

Help please!?

Probably the best entity to do would be to wax, but I also shave it all stale and then put babe-in-arms bum cream on and don't get any red bumps or surrounded by grown hairs. Oh, I also shave next to the grain, not against it otherwise it hurts! Hope this help a bit!

My boobs are gettin smaller??


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