Had sex while ovulating, can I be pregnant?

I had sex when I be due to be ovulating, but got my length at the regular time, however it was a great deal shorter than usual, only 2 days. This month, I get my period 1 week rash, and I'm usually very regular, and it be also shorter than usual. Can I be pregnant? The test said no when I took it, but it be during the first period, so solitary two weeks after having sex. I can't afford another audition, they're so darn expensive! Especially if it is just gonna be distrustful again. Is there even a possibility that I could be preggers, or is the certainty that I had two period since then, although they be abnormal, pretty much conclusive that I'm not preggo?


I have sex a week ago. My last term ended almost two weeks ago. Could I be pregnant?

There is a good destiny that you could be but in impossible to tell apart token your period could be going wacky because you're worrying just about the thought of being pregnant. Try not to verbs and see what happens. Good luck!

Relaxing Tips?

when your are ovulating within is a good accident to be preg but it's not 100% sure... especially if you used a contraception

Does moderate cervical dysplasia cause bleeding?

It's possible.

Pick up the phone book and look lower than abortion services - most abortion clinics do free pregnancy testing. Go, pee within a cup, call them vertebrae an hour or so later, and they bequeath you the results.

Any thing besides a &d i can use?

Seems similar to you did not miss a period. You are nontoxic, you can not be pregnant.

Help? Women only?

My mother have her period adjectives the way through her pregnancy near my brother so it is possible that you could be. The stress of wondering if you are pregnant could cause your period to change though so I would linger until my next term to see what happens. If you still devise you might be then I would procure the test again.

Short spell?

I agree with the other posts, prob not preg.
However, the dollar stores around here convey pregnancy tests and I asked my doctor and she said they work in recent times as well as the other ones!
But you should see your doc if your term doesn't get ordinary. Might have a cyst or another issue besides preg

Okay ladies.. i enjoy a crisis and i dont know what to do. i need some relieve?

there is a chance but sense u enjoy had a term sense i think ur ok ... i be going to if things dont go bak to the bearing they were afterwards go to a doctor or catch another test..

What does celibate anticipate?

Hi There,
Glad you think you're pretty much conclusive r not preggo, I wouldn't count my chickens since they hatch. That was a awfully foolish thing you did! Do you fail to remember the Rule of Thumb? And you aren't setting a good example for fellow member! If you think it's a "Big Joke" why are u on the train?
You know the answer to a question u didn't even ask, resembling you're bragging! WE DON'T NEED TO HEAR R CRAP FOR
Diana D

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