My gf is bleeding out her vagina and its not her period,it simply gushes out of it?


I just started taking Kariva low dose birth control 3 weeks ago.. Has anyone experienced crazy mood change?

Heh Im imagining this gush of blood close to out of a pipe like a fountain haha.

I have a baby 2 months ago. Everytime I own sex I bleed for weeks after.?

uh can you say...HOSPITAL ASAP!

Be creative,..?



Get a doctor asap.

Young woman, dealing next to constant constipation HELP! :(?

That's disgusting! She needs to gain to a doctor!

Period Question.girls only?


I own an enlarged labia and I'm only 14 so how do I treat it?

Could she be have a miscarriage?

I hate my small Boobs!?

thats sick, what the hell did you do to it?

Girls please..?

Ahh don't spend foolishly your time on here! Get to the ER, there is a serious issue. Any kismet she is having a miscarriage?

Im going to a waterpark tomorrow and i get my period.?

it could be a burst cyst. its a enormously bleedy area. bring her to a doctor!

Regarding the Gardasil shot.?

Is it possible that she's having a miscarriage? I have a miscarriage last week and it be a horrible mess.

This is just a sound out i wanna know?

Maybe you were too rough beside her during sex. Or maybe she have a urinary tract infection. It could be several things. This doesn't sound life-threatening, but it sounds serious. You both should go to the ER right away.

How would i shift about selling my eggs..yes my womanly reproductive eggs?

what makes you focus its not? how long has be going on?


sounds like she is have a miscarriage, she needs 2 dance to the er for a dnc.

Ladies,which are the most effective morning after contraceptives out here ?

ok ummm did she break her hym?

Women only: What is the longest that you enjoy had a time of year for?

she may be pregnant. Take a test

I deliberate its true what do u think?

How do you know for sure it is not her spell? Periods can be strange and come more than once a month or sometimes skip a month.. however, there is other the possibility that she hurt something during sex..This should be addressed right away!!

Whats the "real" christen for the space in the vagina in between the inner and outer labial oral cavity?

Think you should call ambulance right in a minute!

If its gushing out of her, she is loosing tons of blood.

I have a brown discharge but it doesnt smell what could it be?

take her to the doctor!!

My unusual pap results went from slightly phenomenal to high risk lesion surrounded by six months.?

than means she wants sex. badly.

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