I dont know if i'm bulimic?

It was my first time ever getting weighed surrounded by front of peoaple. I'm 117.5, & i need to loose weight FAST. I touch really uncomfortable, so i throw up everyday. WIll this get me skinnier surrounded by my legs, & stomach. SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME !

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You are bulimic. You shouldn't throw up every single day like that. The bitter from your stomach corrodes your teeth and even if it seems to help you lose bulk, it won't get rid of the fat within your legs and stomach. This will only mess up your normal body functions and set off you malnurished. If anything, your body will learn to store anything you eat as grease asap. If you want to lose weight, stick with ingestion high fibre foods that maintain you full longer. Eat foods that are low in calories but high contained by nutrients like fruit and vegetables.

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do you eat back you throw up, that is called purging if you do later you are entering the first stage of bulimia which will lead to anorexia.

You better go see your doctor formerly this gets any worse you are playing with your time here if you want to lose the weight your doctor will put you on a high calorie diet ( ably maybe not that high) some where contained by the neighbor hood of 1600 calories or maybe less

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You should try in recent times eating healthy and working out, walk for a walk everyday and do some sit ups and squats and you should see results. You are definitely not overweight though I suggest you should concentrate more on being fit and healthy than person a certain size cause thats only just silly.

STOP BEING STUPID, AND STOP THROWING UP!! it is going to get you no where but rehab once your kinfolk finds out. You need to just be tough and not worry so much about what other relatives think. Trust me I know what it's like to be critisized by individuals I am 17 and pregnant I get it all the time. But honestly I dont watchfulness all your need is your family circle and friends and you will do just fine. If someone is putting you down that doesnt say anything in the order of you it says a lot around how immature and insecure they are.

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no sweety, this is a dangerous and gross means of access to make yourself very delicate. Loosing weight is simple, move more and eat smaller amount! ok, its not that simple, but inform yourself about the glycemic index and maybe rob a class on nutrition. Hire a personal trainer if you can afford it. Before you know it, you'll have a body your girlfriends would kill for, and most guys will scuffle over. Be patient and remember that nothing worth have comes easy. OK? ok, go find it.

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ya so stop throwing up i weigh 115 and im under weight your a accurate weight stop telling your self stupid **** exact you could eventually die

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