Nauseated for the last 2 weeks...Virus possibly?

First thing that comes to mind, pregnant, but it basically cant be.I had a slowly heavy extent last month consequently 3 weeks later i have another long drawn out period.I appear to be running a low grade temp (99s)and hold had diarrhea on and stale for a week or 2.I have be really hungry but after I eat i have a feeling ill.No sluggish emotion like the flu...
I work surrounded by health safekeeping and had Norovirus several weeks ago and its simply not the same-thank GOD.Im finding it hard to produce it to the doc as Im working 16 hour shifts like crazy, should I verbs?

I have a Tubal Ligation Question?

I have a rotovirus once, i know what u mean when u articulate thank god. That was the nastiest week of my vivacity. I have never have the poops so bad. But you have need of to find time for you, if your real sick how are u going to be any give support to to your patients. I would say you are exausted..

Vaginal Muscular Strength?

I enjoy a feeling stress is the culprit. whats your diet resembling?

Abnormal period? What can I do?

i presume u need 2 bear some time off work and rest ALOT!

Is it true that applying Hydrogen Peroxide lightens the hackle on your body?

I have to agree, sounds similar to stress to me to me as well. Becareful, you call for a day or 2 to relax your body and see the doctor, lately to be on the safe side. My mother use to work 18 hours and as she get older her body only just started going down hill in a hurry. Please, please take well-mannered care of yourself first, you cant keep hold of running yourself like this and stay tough. Take care of #1

Abnormal growthcan anyone suggest reason for this?

Well, If you are having diarrhea you involve to make sure you stay hydrated. Make sure that you are drinking right and I think that you obligation to take some vitamins, you said you be having creamy periods so I don`t know some iron. I pretty much think that you a short time ago need to thieve better care of your self. you are working alot of hours and not getting ample rest and it is causing your immune system to lower which, is departing you more susceptible to illnesses. I would take a few days stale and get lots of rest and guzzle a liquid diet for a couple days to attain that diarrhea under control and back with the below par feeling after you drink. I also think you are below alot of stress and the couple of days off will give a hand you to unwind as well. If you don't thieve care of your self better you may bend up sick and have to pocket more than a couple days off.Be right to yourself and get some rest girl!!

14, still no interval?

you do know that you can have your length up to 3-6 months while you are pregnant. but most likely it sounds similar to stress

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