Is it perilous to not have your time regularly?

if my period have non existent for a while, most likely because of stress and other things, is that usual or dangerous?

Is It Period?

Depends on your age and how long you've have your period (as surrounded by, since your first one). I'd say it's probably ok. If you're reasonably young, your body might have need of time to regulate itself and get into a conventional pattern. Give it some time. If you're severely concerned, talk to your mom (or another trusted adult) and maybe seeing an ob/gyn would be good to confidence your mind.

After miscarriage, how long will i have my menstrual cycle fund to normal again?

It depends on how long it have been since your time of year. If it has be several months, you need to attain checked out to make sure it isn't a medical condition.

What cause an ovarian cyst?

Normal to miss a month if you are very stressed or severely active, if it have been over 2-3 months you might hold some reproductive issues going on. If you are taking birth control, this is normal. Some birth control pills clear your period so buoyant it becomes nonexistent.

I hold a question in the order of Birth Control Pill. Please read the details.?

If stress is the culprit then I will vote you need to do something something like it. Not having a interval on a regular basis is not insecure but the stress that is cause it can. So if you are concern try to find what is making you so stressed out. Then find a solution and take concern of it. Good Luck!

What will happen when yeast infection will not be treated?

It's not necessarily "dangerous", but it could be the sign of a serious medical problem. This happen to one of my cousins, and it turned out that she had a growth surrounded by her brain which was pressing on her thymus gland. The thymus and the thyroid glands together are the control centers for the rest of your endocrine system ... features of like the Bridge of the Starship Enterprise ... If at hand's no one on the Bridge, the ship's doing cartwheels in space and going nowhere. In other words, she be getting ZERO hormones from her thymus into the rest of her body!

It might turn out to be nothing, but after again, it might be a sign of very doomed to failure things. Get it checked out as soon as possible!

Is there any stamp for women that could break during sex?i mean inside vagina?

How is your diet? How is your mood? Are you overly stressed? How much sleep are you getting? These are adjectives things you gotta consider when your period's human being weird. Any one of these things can affect your cycle, and they can be corrected. If you're in recent times not getting your period at adjectives, even when everything's fine, then you should see a doctor. You may requirement hormones.

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