I own a question more or less Birth Control Pill. Please read the details.?

Well, today is Saturday and it's the last light of day of my pack of birth control pills. Tomorrow (sunday) is going to be a start of my new pack. However, the pharamacy that I other go to is closed tomorrow and Monday. Meaning, I will own to skip "sunday and monday" pills. I won't get my different pack until Tuesday morning. What do I do since I missed two days of the pack? Do I take adjectives three pills on Tuesday. or just start on Tuesday and forget Sunday and Monday pills? Please back. Really confused!

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If you forget (or don't have) your pills for a hours of daylight or two, follow the instructions below:
If you miss one pill, take the forgotten one (yesterday's pill) as soon as you remember it, and embezzle today's pill at the regular time. Although you probably will not become pregnant, use your backup method until your next length to be safe. (condoms, diaphragm, or foam)
If you miss two pills contained by a row, take two pills as soon as you remember and two pills the subsequent day. You may hold some spotting. Use your backup method of birth control until your next term.

Good luck and don't worry. If you are close by another pharmacy affiliated with your usual one, beckon them and explain-they may be able to imbue your presciption......................

How can i get my time of year to go away at tiniest for a day?

take three i have to that too

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Best bet is ask the pharmacist to be sure. But i'd speak just start from Tuesday. Be sure to ask the pharmacist though, They will know.

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you can lug all three on Tuesday, but use a back-up protection method if you are have sex!

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NEVER, NEVER do that. If you miss taking you birth control pills, after you start taking them when you get them. There is serious consequences if you try and bring your missed pills. So start taking them on Tuesday like you in general would.

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Is there any style that you could go for a moment further to another pharmacy? I accidentally skipped one pill once and I rang the doctor. She told me to simply start taking from the right day on the spanking new pack and to take other precautions or not own sex for 2 weeks just to be sure. I'd fairly be super safe than super pregnant.

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Make sure that in those 2 or 3 days don't have sex. I'm serious My sister contained by law skipped sooner or later and got pregnant. When you procure your pills make sure you ask the pharmasist. and subsequent time get your foreign pack a month before. Trust me it's resembling hell when your worried if your pregnant or not when you really don't want to get pregnant. If by any kismet you want to have sex produce sure your partner is using a condom

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Am I to understand that you have need of to pick up a new box of pills from the pharmacy b/c you are now finished beside the other pack? The reason I ask is b/c of the reality that you said that your pharmacy will be closed today and also on Mon.

Can you call your dr's organization to see if your dr is covering this weekend to see if they can call within another pack to a pharmacy that is start on 24/7 like some Wal-greens and CVS?

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dally get the answer.

Also, you should really get your prescription refill sooner.

What I do is on my three week of pills is order a fill up on. that way I hold them when my last pill of the pack is taken so I don't own to worry roughly speaking the pharmacy being uncap or not.

You could also try going to another pharmacy with your prescription.

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