What cause an ovarian cyst?

I have have 3 cyst in days gone by 4 months, one had ruptured and I have to have surgery and a blood transfusion. Can I still enjoy children?

Have you ever known anyone to donate their eggs to a fertility company?

Were you ever diagnosed near PCOS??
Cysts can be a sign of Polycistic Ovarian Disorder and if you were not aware of this disorder i would suggest chitchat to your doctor and have him question paper for this..

See my husband and i have be trying to conceive for over a year with no luck, I hold extremely irregular cycles ranging anywhere from 5 months to a year, i settled to go to a doctor and she have done all sorts of test that showed everything was fine, she looked-for to put me on birth control but i said No..It wasn't going anywhere with her so later i decided to see an infertility specialist who run an ultrasound on me and it showed i had "1" cyst on my ovary, he run other tests which also come back fine...Since the second week of April i enjoy been spotting non stop so i contracted to go backbone, he did another ultrasound that showed i have lots of follicles, a thoroughly thick bin liner of my uterus. He ran some more test such as testosterone and insulin levels...He call the next morning and gave me my results which be high level of estrogen, elevated levels of testosterone and i'm still waiting on my insulin test..Anyways he diagnosed me beside PCOS...
I never thought i had it merely because i had no symptoms except irregular, unovulatory cycles but i did have it...

Here are some signs and symptoms of this disorder..
Young women beside PCOS commonly have one or more signs. Some of the most adjectives signs include:

Irregular periods—periods that come every few months, not at all, or too frequently
Extra hackle on your face or other parts of your body, call "hirsutism" (her-suit-is-em)
Weight gain and/or trouble losing weight
Patches of night skin on the back of your nouns and other areas, called "acanthosis nigricans" (a-can-tho-sis ni-gri-cans)
slimy skin
This disorder is not cureable but it is treatable...
If your looking to get pregnant they will put you on a medication call metformin or something of the sort that helps beside insulin levels..And possibly clomid (( lots woman with PCOS experience infertility and find it hugely hard to draw from pregnant))
If your just wanting to sustain ease the symptoms your doctor will prescribe you birth control...

Search up on PCOS, it will narrate you everything you need to know..

Good luck!

What adjectives do I shave when shaving bikini line?


Anorexic. Please, I want help.?

I infer you ought to read some of these sites that explain in details the problem of ovarian cysts. Good luck.


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