Blister close to bumps on both sides of my tonsils what is this?

i dont think this is average. there are crowded together blister resembling bumps and some are caved surrounded by so i see a hole. please help? and its strong for me to swollow sometimes

Do stretch marks carry less icky looking when you lose shipment?

You have an infection.start reheat salt wet rinses, 1 tsp salt to 8 oz of wet and gargle 3 to 4 times a day and ring your doctor. good luck

I want mt time of year to end hastily what should i do?

Its probably Strep Throat. I had it a few months ago. They are white bumps surrounded by the back of your throat and its complicated to swallow. Its very contagious to the point where on earth you cant work or go to conservatory. I would go to the doctor ASAP.

Help me near my Gyno Decision?

Those are your tonsils. The dangly bit at the back of your mouth is the uvula.
Sounds resembling you have a throat infection, or a cold coming on.

I hold a bladder infection, I went to my doctor and he prescribed me next to sulfatrim and told me not to have?

Is your throat sore? Could it be strepthroat?!

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