What Is it?

Every scince I have given birth to my son, I hold been getting a wierd looking blister type thingbetween my leg and my vagina. It doesnt hurt most of the times but sometimes I cant even wear my underwear. It is kinda a weighty purple/black color around it, the thing itself is any a pink or my skin color. Anything I can do to stop this?

Cellulite? WONT GO AWAY?

more then probable its a boil, or it could be a strep infection. you should use most heat on it so that it can come to a guide and get what ever is surrounded by there out. i have one after i had respectively of my girls and each time i used mosit fry and it helped. if you are really concerned you can ring up your doctor and ask them what they want you to do. or they may tell you to jump in and hold it lanced. i would try the moist warmness compresses and if that dont help within a day ring the doctor. to make a moist roast compress take a appendage towel and get it showery, but not sopping. then put it contained by the microwave for about 30 second. if its to hot to touch wait a minute or 2 and after apply to the area. hold on to it on for about 10 to 15 minutes or until the grill is gone. repet multiple times a day.

Do adjectives women have?

It sonds approaching a boil or something but try a cold compress on it.

Woman's Health Question!?

yes make an appointment beside your gyno !

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