how do you determine your ovulation period?

if u have a sorta irregular menstruation cycle, is nearby any way u can determine when ur ovulation extent is?

Vaginal hysterectomy?

It's an swesome website. You just enter within your info and it can predict your next term and tell you when you are fertile.

Hope it help!


There are kits that you can bring back at the drug store.

Also you can do your own by taking your temperature everyday at duplicate time and when you ovulate it goes up a bit. Keep track of this for a few months and a outline should emerge.

Also watch for signs from your own body, such as cramping past your period. That can indicate ovulation, especially if you spot it switching sides from month to month.

i have really foggy armpits, what should i do?

Usually when you ovulate, you get a bit of discharge. But you can buy an ovulation tools.they cost a bit, but they work.

The mirena IUD?? any opinions?

I used a software program you can download for free call ovusoft and also used a website called Fertility Friend for aid and advice.
You can also detail by your cervical mucus when you are ovulating. The thicker it is the less probable you are ovulating. When you are ovulating it has the consistency of organic egg whites. It is clear and very stretchy. I know that sounds gross but it is true.
Good luck!

Painful Clitoris..Please Help?

Starting on the first daytime after your period is finished formulate a chart of the day's of the month,very soon every mourning before you receive up take your heat,it should stay pretty much the same warmth for the month except for 2-3 day's when you will own a spike in temperature(this is your ovulation time)..Good Luck!

Im have fertility problems now im showing the signs of impulsive menopause?

to simplify it all, when your vaginal secretion are slippery egg white, and stetchy. THAT is your most fertile interval.
judge by that,
as soon as those signs appear,
you are fertile for 36 hours,
the sooner you own intercourse the more your chances,
BUT..even if you enjoy sex a day or two up to that time this happens,
sperm can live elevated in the cervix for up to 72 hours

unless you hold a proper thermometer especilally for detcting such minute changes within basal temparature, they aren't trustworthy, just have a drink, hot or cold, can alter the result, even getting out of bed changes the reading..

at the cease of the day, spirit will do all the difficult bit,. a moment ago dont turn it into a task near charts and kits,
it take away all the material fun, (esp for the man)
.unless you absolutely hold problems with conceiving, its a complete dribble away of money

foot question?

is that u within the potos cos u look like the ladies i slept near last nite

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