Blood Clots/Periods?

Is it normal to own a lot of blood clots during your interval? I have have them pretty bad this yesteryear few days, even came through using a tampon. I procure them but not this bad.

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Struggled on with increasingly unpromising pains and clots for years because my MALE GP insisted it was everyday - how would he know about period? Got to see a female eventually and I terminated up having a hysterectomy due to fibroids the size of a grapefruit. Best days work I ever did and its great mortal without the interval problems.

I have be on my Othro Evra birthcontrol pills for a little while 3months.?

hiya hun x X x yes they are unquestionably normal. On my closing period i get bad ones too. don't verbs be happy ! no worries needed x X x

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the inside layer of youre uturus is youre period and it is made up of lots of layer of blood clots. hope you feel better soon. x

If your tampon string breaks?

Blood clotting is really normal, it's what blood does. You are not drinking adequate water...I cannot express the stress of getting 8 to 10 glasses...or at lowest possible 6, a day. Also, if you are taking a multi vitamin next to iron in it, you will clot more than usual also. Every woman clots...Every One of us. -Leah B.

Im on the pill and its supposed to regulate my period it has done for the concluding 10months and im due on today?

i feel for you,i bring them too it can be quite startling,if you wana chat just email me

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Hi, This is how the facing of your Uterus cleans it'self. That is what the blood clots are and this is normal during your time of year. Don't worry things should be fine. But if you are still uncomforable see a doctor to e's your mind. I hope you start sense better. I had like problem you are having and it does product you sick and i have throw up since. I know where your coming from.

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Yes it is common to have clotting during your term. This clotting is a result of the uterus trying to get rid of the facing build up for the month because it was extra due to no pregnancy occurring. If the clots get bigger than the size of a quarter consequently this needs to be evaluated by your dr to see what they regard is going on.

Help! I have be sick since Feb.?

You may have fibroids within which case you want to go to your GP .

Can you be pregnant and still enjoy a period beside heavy bleeding ?

i used to find really heavy blood clots and lots but immediately that i'm older i don't come across to get any! they are unquestionably normal. it's in recent times your lining shedding.

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Its of late your uterus lining shedding (because the egg wasn't fertilised) so don't verbs its completely normal. I used to grasp loads all the time, but immediately I don't get any!

If my period are fine, how can i ask my mom to get on the pill?

loads of associates get this i typically get contained by once every 10 period the ultimate one i had resembling that was contained by september last year.How out-of-date r u an all, stir up the docs if ya worried

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dont verbs this is completely normal - every immediately and then we own more clots and pain than usual, so dont verbs

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hiya hun please dont worry this is completely middle-of-the-road i know its a pain within the@rse a times but thats life and worrying will variety you miserable stay happy

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