My interval sucks really doomed to failure lately.?

Lately when I've been on my period, I've be getting really really sick feeling, and hardcore bad cramps. Is nearby something wrong with me??..Someone plz help me.

Answers:    It depends on how various days you've been bleeding and rather or not if these cramps are weakening. If you've had heavy bleeding for over 7 days and hold sharp debilitating pains, go see your doctor. If that's not your suitcase, then it's pretty typical. Every women is different with varying symptoms of PMS. Like next to me, my cramps are very mild and can be managed short pain medication, but my mood is a different story--one day, I can be a depressed b**ch, and after the next day I'm so horny that I'm j**king rotten to pictures of my celebrity crush David Cook, he's sooo hot; LOL. So don't worry, you'll be fine :).
Some women are in recent times blessed with bad cramps, but however within are medical conditions that can cause this to happen. PCOS, polycystic ovarian syndrome can rationale very painful period, as well as Endometriosis. I have both conditions, so my period are well HORRID! Talk to your Gyno, see if bc can help or even possibly get an ultrasound to look around in in attendance. Good Luck! you probably should talk to your doctor if this is out of the ordinary for you. they may know how to tell you if there is something they or you can do around it (change in diet, exercise etc.)

one thing that help me is a heating pad, you know, one of those electrical ones..merely put it where it hurts and it will hopefully relax the muscles enough that your cramps will travel away for a while. take a walk, that help me too. hope this helps! .
I would go to the gyno and go and get in check out, but it is probably just your extent. You may consider starting the pill, you wouldn't believe what it can do for people. My periods are so night light, and I hardly have any cramps. I am taking Yaz, infer about it! Some people own really easy periods, some race have really awful ones. Go see a gynecologist, they should be able to give support to you with anything from putting you on birth control pills to relieve symptoms to just giving you direction..
im normally like that but solely on my first day. gahh. ihate it. i hate one a girl. lol. well. this might sounds crazy but if you go to the doctor and acquire put on birth control i have heard it help. i hope i helped(: someone women have more intense periods than others.I know women who when they hold there periods they dont enjoy any weird symptoms just the extent and i know some who get angry bitchy horney...smelly...But your okay u just get a stronger period LOL.
no- nothing wrong-it is merely the joy of being a woman. achieve some pamprin-two tablets and the cramps are gone. i never thought the midol worked for me-so i suggest pamprin. Ive been having equal. Id get this feeling close to Im about to vomit, and I get bleak cramps, and I sweat a whole lot too. :o.
Its totally normal that you consistency sick and that you have should take Advil pills and that will lend a hand with the pain!! Ya i'm matching way too. But one thing i did find true for me be that caffine intensifies your cramps. So no matter how bad you want that frappachino, u gotta lurk a week lol.
if you have a weaker stomach maybe you find more cramps. try lying down and keep drinking water. nothiong is wrong beside you
take midol eat bannas and steal hto baths to get rid of those cramps
take midol no plenty inhabitants are like that like my bf and my mum it only just who u are

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