What is "a girls circumsision"?


I am looking for a birth control i can be on for a couple of years and not gain weight or gain acne..suggestion

A very cruel procedure still practised surrounded by backwards society. Places around Africa or the Middle East.

The female clitoris is completely removed. This channel she cannot have an orgasm. It is thought the women will next be completely faithful. Don't hold to worry give or take a few them having affairs.

This procedure is frequently perform without any anesthetic and using pieces of cup, by the very mothers and aunts the poor girl loves. Many, various young girls become infected and die a horrible, sensitive death. In North America, it is unconstitutional to have this procedure done. However, some family still try to find a doctor who will do it illegally.

It is my personal belief those family and any doctor who does so, should be put in put in prison, and the key thrown away.

Is a two time period ok?

Never hear of it and never care to. It must be discourteous.

Why is it that we always want to be someone different ?

It is where on earth the clitoral hood is removed and it makes intercourse fundamentally painful. It is done as factor fo some religions.

Color of my period or anything is hapening- I need ya'll's opinion!?

It's pretty complicated so I included a link that conference about the multiple types.
Hope this helps!

I go into menopause eight years ago, and i experience some changes lately. approaching headaches, insomnia.?

The cut the clit. cover. oh my God

How can i put together my cramp not as bad?

I dont know... and why does it situation?

Do you think I'm nuts?

A disgusting unnecessary, cruel and harmful procedure performed contained by some countries whereby a girls' genitals are mutilated. it usually is removal of the clit and sometimes the inner labia, then they sometimes stitch it adjectives up (leaving a small hole for urination/menstruation). It causes soooooo copious problems, the pain is terrific, after there's the risk of infection especially as it's usually done unhygienically, later the woman has twinge urinating, having sex, it newly causes so masses problems and is very unpromising. It is usually performed surrounded by some areas of the world like Africa and is wicked in masses other countries, unfortunately it still happen, often below bogus religious guises. Google "female genital mutilation" for more info.

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