I am looking for a birth control i can be on for a couple of years and not gain weight or go and get acne..suggestion

I dont have any conditions. Ovarian cancer does run surrounded by my family. I do enjoy moderate acne and do not want more. I have tried ortho-evra and that made me breakout. I tried the patch and in a minute there are lawsuits against it. So those two are out of the ?'s. Also zilch that may require surgery either. I do want 1 more child but am cold yet and dont plan on it till both my kids are within school.

Kind of embarassing?

orthotricyclen-lo is a angelic one. it really supresses acne with no prob of consignment gain.


go to your local planned parenthood. i a moment ago started the nuva ring about three months ago. its awesome! no immensity gain, mood swings, or break outs!

How do i convince my girl to go put a bet on on the pill?

talk to your dr. about the depo shot, i've be on it for 3 years and it has help my acne

Razor Burn - hurts badly?

I am on Mirena, and I love it. I also have a lot of people history that kept me from using several forms of birth control. Mirena is great because it doesn't contain estrogen, it lasts 5 years, is right away reversible, and you don't have to mull over about it. It is inserted at your doctor's organization, and it is no worse than a pap. I haven't gained any weightiness, my skin is clear, and I even stopped having a time of year. That is one of the best side effects ever.

I would not recommend depo. I was on it for a few years, and it made me gain weightiness and break out horribly. It has also be shown to decrease bone density and affect you adjectives fertility.

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My doctor offerd me Dianette or some thing approaching that, which helps near acne and is a contreceptive, but I would recommend the Marina coil, Ive had it for 3 yrs very soon, no weight gain, and it didnt hurt when put in and doesnt wreak any discomfort, and I was allways put of the coil by horror stories but it is the best entity I had after trying copious others and if u have the coil u can treat the mild acne next to a cream that will not effect your contraception, hope this helps

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