Color of my period or anything is hapening- I need ya'll's opinion!?

There is nothing really surrounded by my underwear- just wheni wipe but when i do wipe it is a brown color and stuff that looks close to sking or something. Am i having my first spell? Why is it not red?

I am going to be thirteen next month and my mom does not know what is wrong. Can you adjectives help?

Im 13 and i already started getting my "dot".?

if this is your first interval, let me say-so congratulations and welcome to the sisterhood. Your probably have a small amount of bleeding previously, but so little it never made it out of your cervix. so now your doing it again, and this time your uterus expelled more tissue and you cramped alittle and so you discharged the feeble blood. Old blood is brown, fresh blood is red. sometimes when you have a term you may have huge (big as your palm) clotty stuff. dont verbs. thats ok. what your body is doing is actually sloughing sour the lining of your uterus. similar to the thin skin from a blister, solely its really got plentifully of blood vessels within it in covering it needs to grow a newborn. It makes if fresh every month, and if you dont obtain pregnant it expells it and makes mor e fro subsequent month. anyway broown is just matured blood. red is fresh blood, dark purpley almost is that branch of lining your getting rid of. Hope this help.

What does this mean? (ladies just please)?

Yes, it sounds like you've started your time! Congrats!! The reason it is brown is because it's elderly blood. If you have a heavier "flow" it will be red, slower is brown.

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nothing is wrong, but you do need to recount your mom your first period the blood is bleak because it is old blood

be sure to put in the picture your mom she will help you next to any questions

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It is the beginning of your spell, it is very typical. This is either slice of your uterine lining or outdated blood, nothing to catch scared something like. Your regular period should be coming shortly.

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Menstrual blood, especially when a spell just starts or ends, isn't other red. It can "age" before it leaves the body and elderly blood is more brownish-red than fresh blood is.
And since you're young it will be a while formerly everything settles down, so in the meantime your period could be irregular, very restrained, and any colour from red to dark brown.

I am below weight and I'm wonder if my mass is avecting my menstuarual cycle?

As strange as it sounds,It's old blood even though u haven't have ur 1st period that's what it is.It should without delay change 2 the typical color of blood during ur period.Good luck=)

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It is usual for some women (regardless of age) to have brownish discharge right past their periods. For some, this occur every month. For others, it can occurs after the heaviest slice of their periods. Its nil to worry just about as long as you don't have unusual dull pain, or redness to the nouns or unusual odors. If may be that your body is just setting itself up for your time, like a "preperiod" if you will. If you don't get hold of your period in a month or two of getting this, get in touch with your doctor, a moment ago to make sure everything down at hand is ok. The brownish color is a small amount of old blood.

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Many women hold brown colour of their period. The piece is that blood vassels gather contained by your uterus, so that they'll make a secure place where the child (if there is any fecundation) will develop. They remain in attendance for a few days, and if there is no fecundation they'll budge down your vagina. This way, they'll be looking close to "old" blood.
It is possible for you to have a immensely, very bedside light flow (since it wpuld be your first period- it's absolutely normal) hence you see nought on your undies.

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congrats! u got ur first menstrual interval...every girl gets their between the ages of 9 and 16. ask ur mom 2 buy pad or tampons, which absorb adjectives of the blood. ur first period doesnt hold as much blood as others tht may follow. every 28 days from when u first get ur length (tht same day) is a good passageway 2 be able 2 predict when u'll own ur next 1. travel to, health-sex-fitness, then spell planner and u could find out when u'll have ur subsequent period and they explain wat ur extent is. it's very simple. sometimes the blood is brown, but thts freshly normal. for the first 2 yrs. ur length will be irregular, but after tht, it will be fine/regular. talk 2 ur mom. but, if u dont acquire it again 4 the next couple of months, (next 2 months) afterwards dont worry cz thts wat happen 2 me when i got my first time of year and its normal for some those cz, as i said, for the next 2 yrs., it will be irregular. but, if u dont hold it for longer than just a couple of months, see a doctor. plus, if ur infantile - 9,10yrs. old - and u carry it once and dont get it surrounded by the next few yrs., next thts ok 2 because i noe somebody whos very close 2 me who experienced tht. so thts okay. i noe its confusing, so speech 2 ur doctor! hope my advice help u out and remember to buy pads/tampons!

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