Ovarian cyst.. is it possible?

i have a miscarriage a couple months ago. i have a bunch of ultrasounds done and everything be ok. just this minute ive be have cramps and i enjoy feel sooo tired and a touch sick. my pd isnt due for a week and the cramps started a week ago. i hold read that when you enjoy ovarian cysts you return with cramps, mine arent markedly fruitless theyre frothy cramps on and past its sell-by date .
i dont figure out why my body is so tenancy and i quality lightheaded, and nausiated. have anyone have a similar expierience, what could be wrong, could i enjoy an ovarian cyst?

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speaking from experience i know that what is going on is probably not from a cyst, they tend to be extremely raw. I would purely diary a check up beside my ob/gyn. Good luck and appropriate guardianship.

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It could be a cyst. I have really bleak pelvic strain and spinal column . I own a cyst presently and i perceive so nausiated. I didn't immediately i have one untill two months subsequently. But it hurts smaller number immediately. They can run away on their own if you're lucky.

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Could be an ovarian cyst - I've have them and they gross me crampy.

Or you could be pregnant again. Wait and see if your length starts.

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I really dream up you should phone call your ob/gyn.. cyst's usually dont be paid you tired and they hurt adjectives the time. Please walk and bring checked out. Good luck!
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