What is it that women grasp with the vein?

What is the condition women get beside their veins? its call ___________ veins?

what is it? how does it materialize? Why?


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Vericose veins. Men AND women draw from them.

"The squeezing of leg muscles pumps blood back to the heart from the lower body. Veins enjoy valves that deed as one-way flaps. These valves prevent the blood from flowing backwards as it moves up the legs. If the one-way valve become weak, blood can overflow back into the artery and collect there. This problem is call venous insufficiency. Pooled blood enlarges the capillary and it becomes varicose. Spider vein can also be caused by the backup of blood. Hormone change, inherited factor, and exposure to the sun can also cause spider veins"

"About 50 to 55% of American women and 40 to 45% of American men suffer from some form of vein problem"

"Factors of developing varicose or spider veins:
*Increasing Age
*Having family circle members next to vein problems or individual born with frail vein valve
*Hormonal changes. These come to pass during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. Taking birth control pills and other medicines containing estrogen and progesterone also increase the risk of varicose or spider vein
*Pregnancy. During pregnancy there is a huge increase in the amount of blood in the body. This can create veins to amplify. The expanding uterus also puts pressure on the veins. Varicose vein usually improve in 3 months after delivery. A growing number of unusual veins usually appear beside each spare pregnancy
*Obesity, leg injury, prolonged standing and other things that weaken artery valves
*Sun exposure, which can motivation spider veins on the cheeks or trunk of a fair-skinned person"

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It is call varicose veins.

What are varicose vein?

Varicose veins are twisted, enlarged vein near the surface of the skin. They most commonly develop in the legs and ankles.

What cause varicose veins?

Varicose vein develop when you have imprecise valves within your veins and feeble vein walls. Normally, the one-way valve in these vein keep the blood flowing well against gravity up toward the heart. When these valves do not function properly, blood pools, pressure builds up, and the vein become weakened, enlarged, and twisted. This is call venous insufficiency.

Some people may be more credible than others to develop varicose veins because of adjectives characteristics (genetics) and the aging process. Varicose veins may also result from conditions that increase pressure on the leg vein, such as being overweight or pregnant or have an occupation that requires standing for long periods of time.

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