How to reduce my immensity?


What tampon brand do you perfer?

Hi.welcome to the freight loss gang... I too was arnd 13 kgs over my inspired weight after pregnancy ... I debate a lot near myself on how to lose weight. near was so much information on the Internet and I have to filter out things and finally stick to this routine ..I have lost 4kgs surrounded by 2 months .

1. breakfast cornflakes , glass of milk or boiled eggs .Avoid white flour /maida base prods...
2. Afternoon - I had rice and some dal curry ...but i suggest to give somebody a lift roties
3. Tea is a must in evening for me so i cud not cut down on the 2 spoon sugar i lug with it .. I never hold snacks.. no to biscuits and chips though i love them . Try and have a fruit instead or some soup .
4.Walk for an hour atleast ... this is the best and easiest from of exercise . I also try to verbs in my stomach while walking to try and tone my tummy muscles .
5. Start have dinner early . between 7-8 .. These days I own 2 breast pices of chicken baked . with lots of salad...I love non veg so it works resourcefully with me .. I guess if u are veg best will b of late to have lots of vegatables cooked/ steamed beside good spices. or sald of cucumber , tomatoes etc. It really make a difference.
6. Try quitting white sugar as much as possible..
7. Have atleast 8 glasses of hose everyday ...if possible near a dash of lemon surrounded by it ..

I swear that this will work ... but u need to be long-suffering . Once u start noticing modification u ll b all the more motivated to do it . The push button is in not overdoing anything be it exercise or dieting .

PS : - IF u can do some yoga in the morning that will b great too . Can go and get some Ramdev CD s and start rotten.

Good luck

Whats the best kind of birth control pill?

go on a diet

What are the signs of have a period?


how much do you weigh?

Can your boobs shrink?

or tap chose what u like_?
i prefer dance:P

Period ask?

This will help you...
check this out

Is the outer segment of female's vagina really look dark?

mix honey and water and drink
shake your thighs to get
rid of plump remember do this alone don't shake with your husband because it might increase your weight(pregnancy)

Genital defect ??

Need a bit more info than that sweetie!
But generally.

1 - Excercise 30 mins 5 / days a week

2- Cut out elevated fat foods, munch through loads of vegetables, white meat and fish. Eat high cellulose cereals.

3 - Drink plenty of hose down - 1.5l day

4 - Portion control!! This is important. Eat around five times a sunshine - your dinner/ main dinnertime being the largest A palmful of meat, a fistful of veg at a sitting. Snacking on fruit (1 piece) & nuts (small amount) or something similar to oatcakes with cottage cheese or cereal throughout the afternoon.

5 - Stick to it. After two weeks youll see a difference. Dont give up! Good luck.

Water Hose Enema?

Eat low hefty diet, eat fresh and leafy vegs, drink wet, do exercise and cut down sugar intake. Spartan

Y am I worried nonstop around diffent things like bridal,my career and so on.. is here any solution ? plz !?

go on a diet

Ovarian Cyst?

To reduce continue one should have Healthy food beside more protein rich but low fat.You hold to eat breakfast between 8.30 to 9.00am which should be bread/sanwage next to a glass of milk and vitamin rich fruits.
Then lunch should be taken between 12.00 to 1.00 pm.Any piece but wit protein rich,and the food will be better when it fiber rich As fiber rich food helps to control stout in our body. afterwards last fruits should b compulsary.Fresh fruits is better than drinking liquid.
Then for dinner which should b between 8.30to 9.00 pm
With half stomach full. Then up to that time going to bed a glass of milk beside less rotund.
If you really like this channel, follow it .
Its my view pa..
Ok babye takecare!

I really want to boost my weight and fitness?

How much do you weigh? Are you really overweight or merely want to be in shape? first try to figure your BMI: BMI = ( Weight in Pounds / ( Height contained by inches ) x ( Height in inches ) ) x 703
BMI = ( Weight in Kilograms / ( Height in Meters ) x ( Height in Meters ) )
Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
Overweight = 25-29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
Then if you are overweight, try to enjoy exercise (aerobic ones) 30-60 min 3-4 days a week, reduce heavy ( do not omit it), downsize false food ( like chips, rime cream, chocolate, etc) and try to eat something worthes consumption! But of course it will be better if you do these things lower than the supervision of a doctor.
If you are not overweight, do not go on a diet. Just do some exercises. Some race have a disease " disturbed self body image", they dont look flabby but they think they are lubricant. They muct see a psychiatrist. I dont think you are one of them!
So best wishes for you!

Is it possible?

Have a slice of toast surrounded by the early morning / cereal beside no sugar and low fat milk, mid morning hold a fruit, at lunch have a small salad, impulsive afternoon have a fruit and for dinner enjoy a small dinner with no starch. Also cut down on sugar and enjoy at least 10 goggles of water if you quality the hunger urges. Also have a bit of lemon liquid in the wet. Do not use diet pills as this might make you moody, be restless and own bad sleeping behaviour. Remember all soups are also flawless. You can have as much veggies as you can lacking picking up weight. Good Luck.

OB-GYN near Grilz?

exercise because no pain no gain k .but dont strain to much and dont hold tablets relation she really worked too hard to diminish her weight and she too reduced 20kg but lamentably she dead

Period Question, Girls Only Please?

do exercises or associate a gym

Why do you think near should or shouldn't be mandatory HPV vaccines?

Hello, if you are overweight because you are not eating right and also what ever you are intake in that nutrition is not satisfactory. If you eat 100 grams of food you will attain only 10 grams of nutrition. Nutrition is the switch for over all vigour. If you are serious about losing counterweight contact me at [email protected]

HELP-I think I may be bulimic.?

Frist you obligation to go on a diet. Start to fitness... Try to caper, its a wonderful exercise. You also should drink tea... Tea helps to burn calories. Good luck and dont distribute up!

Height after puberty?

I am currently trying to lose 10 lbs. and I am drinking water and skim milk one and only. I have be eating lots of fruits, veggies, eggs, and fish. No promptly food. NO> NO~NO!! I have be exercising, walking, walking, and doing toning exercise. Crunches, lunges, squats, curls with 4lb weights within hand. So far I am 5 lbs down and 5 to turn. Lost that 5 in one month. Now any more to go! Try it!

What could i draw my boyfriend?

remember to maintain it simple. Watch what you eat and exercise.

Try to incorporate exercise into your duration. (ex. when going to the mall, step instead of drive, walk to work, give somebody a lift the stairs instead of elevators etc...) The small things help abundantly. If you like dance, kickboxing or sports etc, join a squad in your conservatory, community. Not only will you bring back fit but you will be learning skills and have fun.

And as for eating, first put together sure you are eating the right amount of day by day calories to function. Then make sure u are ingestion health. Instead of have a cake for dessert, have a bowl of fruit. Just keep watch on what you eat.

Don't dance on any pills, plz, they are not health and you will hold to take them forever. They hurt the body within other ways...Try the above first before you travel for diet pill or any other quick fix. (for your body and economically being stay away from early fix.)

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