I enjoy a little infection on my not here boob...what could it be?

I just started the pill (yaz) two weeks ago
I'm 16 and hold a terrible dysmotility disease within my digestive system
My boobs are very tender and the infection is similar to a raised bump next to a white center

Veet wax strips. any good?

I would predict that it is acne. Sometimes birth control pills cause an increase in acne lesion. Don't try to mash it or anything--that could inflict the infection to spread. Just apply a warm moist compress (washcloth) for 20 minutes 2 X a year. It will open and drain on its own. You might also use an antibiotic cream on it in between the compresses. If it hasn't cleared up within a week, see a doctor.

BIG CHUNK in my throat.yucky?

Please see your doctor.

My length was due yesterday and enjoy been thought crampy since last Saturday what could be going on?

not sure what you are conversation about, sounds similar to a giant pimple.

What is causing this?

maybe breast cancer but if they are tender next it could be pregnancy

Off the pill how long?

swollen milk gland. Don't pick at it. Use warm washcloths and press it on the infection site. You may want to see a doctor for antibiotics.

Help losing weight?

sounds approaching a pimple. You can get them on your chest- especially lower than neath

Dizzy Spells And a Headache for 3 daysdiagnose me please.?

i dont know

The Birth Control Ortho Evra? Do you like?

Maybe a staff infection. New medication sometimes cause bacterial infections in unusual places. Your best bet is to stop by your doctor and have them check it out. Don't be shy, purely in suitcase it is something serious.

Washing questions (Ladies only)?

Maybe breast caner!Never know unless you find out.

Do u lose ur virginity because of masterbation?

See your doctor.

People here who are diagnosing you on womenanswers.org, do not hold a PhD.

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