Fishy smell?

I'm becoming really embarrassed roughly this smell that a guy told me he could smell coming from my vagina. I wash and hang on to clean, but I be on my period later. How can I eliminate those fish odors for flawless? And how can I eliminate any other odors for when I'm not on my time of year?

Answers:    Go to my link at the bottom here. Dr. OZ have a lot to articulate on the smell of the vagina.
The vagina is a self cleaning oven, so to speak. It is normal and in good health for a vagina to have a scent because it is other cleaning itself. Very normal. Drop that guy and seize one who likes the inherent aroma of women.
The douche ads you see on TV want to cart advantage of citizens who don't realize they smell normal because they want you to buy the product.
If you own an infection, that is a different story that you'd want to discuss next to your gyno. To put your concerns at rest, next time you own a gyno appointment just ask if the smell you enjoy is normal and if everything looks devout down there. The doctor should be pleased you are asking.

If you do not enjoy any kind of infection and the smell you hold is the normal features, I am of the opinion that constant wash of the vaginal area and using wipe, etc. is just not well-mannered no matter what.
repHresh it sounds similar to a STD.go to the clinic
Bleach... But don't verbs, it's normal. Just hold on to clean and you'll be fine. If within is a fishy odor you have an infection. You involve to see a doctor ASAP.
well..sorry to utter but a vagina will always own a bit of a scent. there aint a total lot to be done about it. you can merely add flavor to it to cover up the nibble. good luck How more or less..I dont know...SOAP!!
Get those feminine products...extra strength douche, yuck! eat vegetables more and drink smaller number and stop smoking if you do.
exercise too

glade plug surrounded by or some lysol take a hip bath. You need to in recent times relax and the water will obtain in nearby and flush it out. Take baths not showers for the next lil while once everything is honest just whip baths every now n later to make sure stays appropriate. It just flushes everything out easier than a shower.
dont verbs about profoundly of guys like it Change your wad. It happened to me too...i swear, don't cross your legs when you sit, and translate your pads regularly.
drink alot of fluids and wash constantly, and you should turn to your GYN too. their could be a bacteria infection going on here.a doctor would help this and know best. it ccould be a yeast infection
first of adjectives, did you smack him upside the head? What the hell, be he sticking his face down in that and you let him--I so don't judge you did that.! OMG, he's nasty. He may newly be a nasty poophead and said that to be connote, so you'll get a complex.

Yeah, and try that rephresh stuff.

If that be me, he wouldve been wearing a pitcher of beer.
You might want to consult you Doctor only to make sure within is nothing wrong. A constant fishy smell could indicate a vaginal infection, first see your doctor and he will rule out any conditions next buy unscented soap for your intimate washing, try buying a femenine product (But no douches which mess up your body's unprocessed PH) also consider what kind of underwear youa re wearing, inherent fabrics such as cotton are better at absorbing sweat and other bodily fluids and keeping you fresher longer.
I know i abominate that smell!, what you can do is buy those always Pads near those little wipes, so everytime you rework it keeps you verbs, and wipes away the odor, also theres pad that help wipe out odors! other than that transport a shower EVERYDAY! Clean well contained by that particular subdivision, and change your wad more often to be more verbs. Hope i helped :] lol gross..
umm you can use tampons...they don;t stink as much as pad.
During your menses, wash frequently. If the odor is in attendance without the presence of your time, you may have a bacterial infection (it is usually accompany by a clear discharge). If that is the shield, you will need to see you OB/GYN for a prescription. You sure this guy wasn't newly being a smart a**? :P There have always be a saying that a woman's va jay jay smells close to he could have a short time ago been using that to gain to you.

But if it is a really serious problem I suggest washing in attendance regularly and if you need to use a douche.
Go to the doctor and craft sure you do not have an infection. If he say you are fine then, you could try douching, if you plan to hold sex during that time. But keep within mind that too much douching will throw off pure balance and could raison d`??tre you to have problems near bacteria and vaginal infections. Ask the doctor if they can recommend a douche. try summers eve. run baths and eat more fruit and pineapple too, that works really honourable for both guys and girls
all i can enunciate is wash yourself worthy. and when your on your period and when you finish bathe yourself really good. powerfully, use those personal wet wipe, tht helped near my problem
If you keep on wash it then it strange to hold that fishy smell... perhaps in attendance must be something wrong with your vagina... it could be germs since our anus is close to our vagina isnt it? so it might probably the caused... I suggest you better run to an OB GYNECOLOGIST to get it check... dont you verbs its pretty normal for girls to enjoy it so dont hesitate to see a doctor if its bothering you...

Then possibly the doctor could suggest or give you a prescription to receive rid of that smell... most women also use FEMININE WASH... you can buy it in stores... if you are still unconfident to see a doctor then try FEMININE WASH by yourself... I know a baptize LACTACYD im not just so sure if you can buy it around here contained by United States... good luck...
Just purloin a wash cloth and squeeze some body swab on it then scrub your vagina really capably (you should do this daily). Plus your underwear and jeans might smell so check before you put them on because specifically what could be causing the problem. Good Luck! Eeeh, that must be mortifying I feel sorry for you.
Um, you can drink more river to cleanse your body, periodically trim the pubic hairs around the nouns... Make sure you're using a sterile pair of scissors and own a mirror so you ONLY cut the hair and naught else.
Use a vaginal cleanser which can be found where you find adjectives the pads. But use the hypallergenic one next to no laureth sulfate or anything sulfate. Thats a foaming agent which shouldnt be applied to such a sensitive area, it can be poisonous if used too much and especially on such a sensitive nouns. And lastly, pads. I guess you can try to use deoderized ones, but possibly you just want to start wearing tampons. It's not as bad as it may seem to be. If tampons are completley out of the question, find a brand of wipe that is more suited to you.
Ohhhhhh Myyyyyyyy GOSHHHHHH... that's resembling my dog. We call her salmon ash (you know the tangible spelling) cuz she always smells close to salmon when she gets relaxed! LMFAO. Oh thats right eliminate the smelly smell. To get rid of my dog's scent we procure her anel glands squeezed. Do you have anel glands? Well, if u do catch em squeezed. If not, spray perfume on ur va JJ or shove one of those good smelling tissues u pute within laundrey in ur pant. BTW... y would the guy even be close enough to ur va JJ to smell this? Yea... can u vote promiscuous? Lets see..Putting perfume, lotion is all I can suggest of.

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