Birth contol asking...?

okay i want it to regulate my period and for my face. but ofcourse, my mom think its for sex. im almost 15 and hse had me at 15 and she knows nought about my life so... yeah. i asked yesterday. and she said no.! :/ ugh i hold acne and my friend is on birth control and says it workeed way better than anything shes used resembling proactive and i see improvement! i was similar to wow...

so should i go talk to my university nurse and be like is there anything else ud suggest to work for acne? and later get her to write a note conviencing i stipulation birth control? what do i do?
i dont want to borrow my friends because then she wouldnt have any... im not sexually busy... yet... but i heard birth control can mess u up making it harder then on in years to have a little one i know thats what it prevents but can you stop taking it and become pregnant.?
just curios!(: thankks.

My Mum is upset roughly my diagnosis?

By law, you can stir to your doctor or a clinic and ask for birth control and they CANNOT tell your parents. As long as you have your own supply of bread to pay for it you can just step on it. Depending on what works for you, plan to spend between $15-25 per month

If you are planning on becoming sexually active, wait at least possible a month for it to kick in. Remember that the pill will NOT protect you from sexually transmitted diseases so other make sure your partner wears a condom.

After going bad birth control a person should wait at lowest possible 3 months before trying to get pregnant, but it is possible.

Your mother should realize that asking to jump on the pill shows a high level of responsibility and that coming to her shows that you're respectful and that you own a lot of trust in her judgment. But this is YOUR body, and you make the decisions just about what is right for it.

What would produce this..?

there are actual prescription medications for acne. turn to a dermatologist. dont use birth control until you need it. when you stop taking birth control you can absolutely become pregnant. birth control vitally tricks your body into thinking its pregnant so you dont release eggs.

GIRLS ONLY: I own have 3 period and they hold adjectives last 14 days exactly..?

If there's a family planning clinic in your nouns, you may be able to get them yourself. Ask around if you can for clinics that would make available you discounted birth control.

What would you say-so is perfection?

The pill as it is known - when you take it properly will stop pregnancy and doesnt ruin your likelihood of having children, when you are on it - it stops you ovulating (no eggs are released) and when you are ready to enjoy kids you go of the pill - everything goes pay for to normal and you are able to enjoy kids
Just another point, be careful as antibiotics and some medications can intefere beside the pill and stop it working.
another advantage of the pill is your periods become lighter and even backache free and ive even heard in some cases they stop
The pill also help with acne
Talk to your school nurse and she will with pleasure answer your questions - even bring your mum along and the nurse can answer your questions and your mums and both of you can be 100% joyful and comfortable
Also the your doctor will be able to help and she will discuss what pill is right for you
Good luck

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