Why Do Men Fall Asleep After Sex?

I Just always wondered.

Answers:    Since when do men do all the work? :-)
I regard men fall asleep after sex, because then they don't enjoy to talk about adjectives the emotional things that come up after sex. .
One orgasm is about adjectives we have. We cant have multiples, and it take us about 30-40 seconds up to that time we can go again up to about 6-7 times, later its spent.

For guys its different than girls, for guys its like pressure building up, and its a little self-conscious, then release, and that release is accompanied by profusely of endorphines.

Its extremely relaxing.

It does make men drowsy, but they are unlikely to fall asleep unless they are already tired, contained by other words late at night..
I can vote from personal experience that it's not just men that sometimes want to roll over and go to sleep. Orgasm is an incredibly relaxing experience. Lying within the dark, feeling joyous and relaxed, and add in the certainty it's often the end of the afternoon when these activities are happening...it's a dependable recipe for drifting off to dream land!

Perhaps if our hostesses would be more prepared to make love in the morning when we're rested.

Bear within mind that a healthy man will masturbate once per day. After a full day's stress, work and sexual tautness, how strong is the urge to drift away after such a release? The endorphins released, such as serotonin, are used by the brain to induce unconsciousness

By the way, men closing longer in the AM. Your choice, though..
It's not the orgasm, it's the 30 minute workout when they haven't done anything else but that in years, lol

My husband get up and immediately goes to the fridge within search of food. After ten years, I can read the signs that lovin is comin and try to leave him something he can "discover" to get through front and center in the fridge. .
Well... what else would you do after sex? You're lying in bed, it's usually grey, you've just had a pretty intense cardio workout... and besides, sex is one the big three primal instincts (eat, sleep, ****). So if you're not hungry after sex, consequently you generally want to continue your indulgence by sleeping. Pppfft. Why are adjectives these guys saying they did all the work?! There's plenty of positions where on earth WOMEN do all the work. Hmph. One orgasm usually wears my boyfriend out, he might know how to have two, then he crashes. It only takes a lot out of them I suppose. I'm so glad I'm a woman. ;) Though... sometimes it's ME that crashes after one orgasm, lol..
Becaues we do adjectives the Dang Work thats why, you lazy women just lay within and pretend to like it, Im sick of it....or because it just feel right to fall asleep, in your arms, Tonight, I JUST DIED IN YOUR ARMS TONIGHT, IT MUST OF BEEN SOMETHING YOU SAID yes that orgasm really is tiresome.
Lol, perchance they get tired? its tiring!.
Because we did all the work LOL Well, let's see;

A. Cause women start discussion
B. Why, got something to eat?
C. Seriously, do you meditate we like you for your minds?

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