I am menstruating and basically saw a "flap of skin" in my kotex... what is wrong?

...that is the just way I can believe of describing it... it looks like skin that come out of my vagina. It's about partially an inch long. It's very red... I'm moderately sure it's skin.

I never have have a period this tight, either... the cramps are almost excruciating and I got remarkably moody before my extent and cried a lot. It is also fundamentally heavy for the second light of day. My periods enjoy never been regular or regular, but this has never happen to me before. It have never been this tender, either.

It's not my bin liner of the uterus is shedding because I've had that up to that time and I could break it up... this I can't break up, it is solid.

Is there anything wrong?

Let me rephase(my ask was call if you were.?)?

What you call a "flap of skin" is probably just concern from your uterus. Your menstrual cycle occurs when your body sheds the weaken layer of your uterus. This band of skin can sometimes be shed in a way that you can see it. It's average for some of us.

Veginal infections - how frequent?


For ladies only?

go to the emergency room promptly!!!

Im going on the pill how can i keep myself from attainment weight?

Maybe.. it depends if you hold had any procedures done lately. Call your doctor to be out of danger

Does anyone know if the breast enlargment pills you can buy on EBAY?

Nope. That's a blood clot. You get them when your period are very brawny or you were lying down for a long time. The cramps? You could be going through menopause. If you are younger, later your period hasn't regulated even so and this is just a commong side effect. Everybody get cramps. Even if one month they aren't bad, you will attain a bad one sometime surrounded by your life.

Bust Problem?

I'm sure it could be a little things, so I would talk to your GYN as soon as you can. It could be something thoroughly normal, or in attendance may be a problem. Better to be safe than sorry...

Good luck.

For women is 2 and partially years of being sexually live since your first ample enough to deforn your body?

nothing is wrong, when you are on your term, not only blood can come out. Flesh may tumble from the same place the blood is coming from. no call for to worry hun.

Do girls bring cramps when their period strarts or back that and hwo does it feell when your breasts are soar?

With such a painful length, you should go see a doctor. Even if it is not unexpected they can at least administer you some prescriptions painkillers.

If you are sexually active, it could be a miscarriage.

Okay support..?

Are you quite sure it isnt a lump of blood? Sometimes little clumps come out and it might look similar to skin.

I'm on day six missed spell. I have be having term like cramps but no extent!?

would this have be a blood clot? I have more clots than "liquid" blood during my spell. I dont know why, but some of them are very huge, almost as big as the plam of my hand.

Has any of you ladies gone through vaginal rejuvenation (laser/normal), and if so what do you regard of it?

well i was gonna vote it was the pool liner of your uterus but since you think it is not i don't know what else it could be..if you are really concerned you should travel to your gyno an have her check it out

Ok, when YOU DO THIS?? (plz help)?

did you own sex lately? it kinda sounds like a miscarraige to me. i would nickname your docter and run it by her/him

When is the best age to start seeing the gynecologist?

Well yeah there is something definately wrong. If your cycle go longer than normal I would recommend you to seek medical attention. Have you be having unprotected sex near anyone? Is there any unsystematic you could be pregnant and miscarrying? If there is a adjectives for either of these question I would go to your doctor. Most women do not hold tissue come out of their vagina when they are on their periods.

I enjoy had sex near my boyfriend in the 5th morning of my period, could i be pregnant even if i took postenor?

either a clot or sector of ur uterus lining

Do Dr's Cut your muscles during a C-Section?

If your childish you go through plentiful stages where your term will be manageable, and impossible at times.. your body is constantly changing.. Chances are its something conventional.. Sometimes the lining of the uterus dont break ample, and ends up coming out like that.. thats adjectives menstration is.. its the lining of the uterus coming out, and it solely looks like blood, and average most of the time because it had a unpredictability to fully break down, sometimes it dont. severe cramps can sometimes be a sign of endometriosis, or cysts especially if you dont normally receive cramps like that, and the with the sole purpose way to find out if thats whats up is to drop by a doctor, and let them know your concerns. But really likelihood are that its just common changes surrounded by your body.. I went through a stage where on earth I had cramps so discouraging I couldnt move off my bed, and would cry everytime I have to, and having clumps similar to that come out, etc.. its all cut of being a girl, it sucks. If your still a bundle of nerves visit a doctor to manufacture sure its not something else.. like the endo, etc because I know if that go left untreated you can become unfertile, and not know how to ever have kids. They usually finale up putting you on the pill once they clear it up to keep it from coming subsidise. hope this helps

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