Help please!?

i just get over a bladder infection but now i own some weird burning down near and im new to the gynecologist so i own to wait 2 weeks earlier i get contained by:( and im suffering kinda i went to the doctor 3 times and they dont know whats wrong beside me:( anything i could do to stop the burning in the meantime?

Women..most you've weigh?

Vagisil and their wonderful products.

Yaz Birth Control question?

have you tried rime or a burn cream?

How many crunches?

Drink plenty of fluids, cranberry liquid is very biddable,but it seems to me that you still enjoy the infection. Avoid if you can salty food and no sodas any. You might need antibiotics. I recommend an appointment beside a specialist, an Urologist
Hope you feel better. Take caution, bye.

Is this normal?

I am undesirably somewhat of an expert on this as I have have frequent UTI and Yeast Infections over the last 25 years or so. Without checking you, I would suspect you enjoy a yeast infection. chances are when you took antibotics (which I assume the dr give you to clear up the UTI) it allowed the yeast to overgrow in that nouns. Now I think you are burning and itching and may even hold a whitish discharge, possibly looking like cottage cheese. It happen to me every time I go on antibotics for a UTI, which is why I try not to get hold of on antibotics for a UTI. Your yeast infection if that is what you do indeed own can be treated over the counter with any yeast infection cream or pill. In my view the best one is that which is a combo. It gives you a pill to insert at dark and a cream you can put on in the sunshine. You don't really want to do a whole insert of pill or cream during the time because if you work or go to college it will be gooey all year long and that is of late gross. The only item that has me a bit concerned is that you read aloud they don't know what's wrong with you. If it is a yeast infection and your dr have half a clue, they should know how to figure that out. If it is as I described above, try the yeast infection stuff. If not try this as it could be an unresolved UTI or really concentrated urine (do you drink satisfactory water surrounded by the day) and I have found you can in fact flush it out of your body on your own but you have to be diligent. You pinch 1/2 - 1 liter of water or so (depending on how big you are) and drink it adjectives within 5-10 minutes. Then try and hold it as close to an hour as you can. When you enjoy to go, it will literally flush any contaminants away and should clear up the irritation. If these two don't work, try what some others own been clich?? about icing for burning and consequently get posterior into the dr asap. Do not accept them giving up on you. "We don't know" is not an proper answer. You could have second-rate known things such as gardenerella or a sexually transmitted disease. These are not things to play around near as they can damage your feminine organs. Insist they check several things if trying the things I mentioned provide you no relief. If it persist after trying that and your dr doesn't help, travel see someone else. No reason you should suffer through this short someone helping you.

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