Bust Problem?

I am only 12, so my breasts havent developed on the other hand. A few days ago when I woke up, my right nipple was bigger and stuck out more. It feel like here was a easier said than done bump under it. It be a bit painful and tender. What is that? (also my nipples be soft and barely visible before.

HELP! i didnt own my period finishing month?

aw no worries i was approaching that 2.that is call a breast bud. and it is usuallly tender because its growing and is a very sensitive module of your bod. so dont fret girlfriend! your growing up! congratz!

How laong after taking the pill should get ur time?

That's normal. Your breasts are developing.
Congratulations..you are becoming a woman.

Missed time of year?

talk to your doctor about it

Ladies I Kneed Your Help?

Sounds similar to a bug bite. What's it doing Now?

Just had a menstrual time that lasted 2 1/2 months. What's wrong next to me?

just sounds like puberty. congrats

Girls kinda personal girl q. I dont own a mom so I have to ask girls on here?

your growing up sugar. its called growing pains. but if the pains get worse tell you parents to aim doctors advice.

I am 21.Recently i have an unprotected sex with my girlfriend.what can i do to avoid pregnancy?

its ok um boobs are growing in..and the knotty bump is a sign of that when u grow older that bump will other be there gettting bigger as u do.

Period sound out?

sometimes in puberty girls breasts grow uneavenly, it be probably more gradual than you think so dont verbs.. its not cancer or anything!

Irregular periods?

thats the nacheral style of life and your one boob is going to be bigger and they are going to be verey throbbing be verey careful

Big Bigger Biggest BOOBS?

Congratulations! You've a short time ago begun breast nouns. Soon your other side will start, and they will be a little tender at first, but soon the backache will ease.

Again, congrats!

Anyone thieve the abortion pill? If so what was the out come?

You are growing breasts very soon. That is very ordinary but if you are that concerned you should see a doctor. Good luck girly!

Why don't u wash your A.$.$ after you finish?

they usually don't grow at exactly indistinguishable rate they will even out for the most part though.

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