Okay so I REALLY like this guy, permit's call him Bob (not his existing name) Bob and I have be in one and the same class ever since kindergarden and you are now contained by 7th grade. Bob like you in 4th order but got a girlfriend contained by 6th grade who he soon brokeup near, ever since the break up Bob has be talking to you profusely more. You have other been of late friends but now he conference a lot more consequently before the break up. He plays beside your hair on the bus, steals your pack, always tell you his funny jokes, continualy asks you to play mercy/thumb-war/arm wrestle, and he grab you around the waist once. Do you guys think he like me? If you liked a girl would you do these things to her? If you do deliberate he likes me what should I do, I REALLY resembling him, I am too embarressed that it will ruin the friendship if I tell him.But the problem is, he is sort of shy when it comes to the dating stuff so I know if he didn't like me that surrounded by the end whenever we saw respectively other we would be way akward and avoid eachother

Why do men maintain looking at my behind? It's intensely small. Why do they keep looking at it?

Slip Bob a transcribe asking if he likes you. Tell him surrounded by the note that if he is scared about discussing the subject, he can write you another register. As for the question of whether he like you, if the two of you were 15 or 16, I'd lean to say "no". However, since you're both 12, I'd influence it's possible. (This is a 43-year-old guy typing. I've lived through this kind of stuff.)

Heat impulsive??

oh, the high conservatory drama! if u like respectively other then take together, lifes 2 short 4 messin around!

I HAD AN EMERGENCY C-SECTION; can my stomach ever get flat or get feeling pay for in it?

ok, if he is asking you to play mercy and he touches you around the waist, he is flirting next to you. he DOES like you. If you are so worried something like keeping your friendship tight, then dont relate him. But, if you are a risk taker like me later you should tell him if it feel good to capture it off your chest. He might be shy because he might not want to ruin your friendship any. who knows? he could grain the exact same feeling that you are fear. Listen to your heart. If your heart is telling you not to risk the relationship, after dont do it but, if your heart is telling you to pass it a shot, then stir for it!

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sounds like he like you, but you have to ask yourself, is it worth the risk of the embarrasment or awkardness if he doesn't? If you similar to him a lot, it probably is, so shift for it! And remember, you are young, so in that'll be plenty of "Bobs" out there within the future if this one doesn't work out! However, since adjectives you probably care just about is the here and now, do what your heart tell you! And Good Luck!

Does anyone know a way to craft your menstrual cycle come early??

i can garuntee 100% he like you

Cervical Cancer?

Awww you like me.. great to know. =D

he like you.. just notify him.. or casually be approaching hey bob, who do u like.. purely casually have a word about it.

Is this mundane?

i'm in like situation, cept for im 16 and my guy has a gf. so i win, mines worse. anyways, i of late told him i liked him and if he didnt similar to me back ,that be cool. cause if he doesn't touch the same approach, at least you tried. and im pretty sure he does discern the same style. you've got to progress for it if you like him so much. it's worth the risk. believe me. and also, if he like you before, why wouldnt he similar to you now? also, relay him that if he doesnt like you close to that, things won't change between you guys and you can markedly still be friends. you just have to take a shot and be honest. =]

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