Is this usual?

my friend is 14 and is 5' but she only weigh like 89 pounds?

I am have trouble falling asleep? PLEASE HELP!?

No, it is not normal

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Could this be TSS?

every bodies metabolism is different. If she doesn't start purchase then start worrying later.

I started my period 3 years ago, and I've never ever have a cramp before?


Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome?

It's not run of the mill! She must be like a stick!

Plese facilitate me!!(only woman/girls plese!?

She's 14? that is SO not majority.

Wait. You were chitchat about her consignment, weren't you.

I wouldn't worry in the order of her weight unless you awareness that she's not eating, or that she's throwing up after she does put away. The body is a strange thing. Sometimes family get cooking oil at age 11, and then grow 4 inches at age 12 and suddenly look skinny.

I'm sure that she have to get a physical every year for academy, so let the doctors and her parents verbs about her immensity. If there's something wrong, the doctor will read out something.

Meantime, just be her friend, and confer abuot boys!

I'm a 32 A, should I buy a bra?


You've already established that:

a) eating what ordinary people would consider everyday "makes her sick" (I assume that vehicle she throws up)
b) she has not gain weight within two years
c) and that there is concern almost her health

Think you've answered the question already, hun. Get her to see a doctor please. If she will permit you, go next to her so she won't try to lie to them or blow the unharmed thing sour.

Sex and Scared?

It's possible that she's just designed to be skinny, and she is pretty short

But your little extra information of "she only eat once a day or she get sick" worries me..

A lot of the time this is what anorexics will say of late so other people won't product them eat more.

Does she complain that she think she's overweight? What does she eat that one spread a day? Is it thriving? Is it a fair amount of food or more approaching a carrot and some water?

If she seem to care plentifully about what she weigh (and I mean abundantly, every woman worries a bit about what they weigh, even if they're impeccably healthy) and if she starts looking sickly (pale skin, black circles under her eyes) I would any confront her, or tell her parents how she's acting.

If you precision about your friend and she is anorexic, please take her some help.

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I think the wieght division is fairly mundane, although she could weigh a few more pounds. I am also 5', but I weigh about 97 pounds. Only intake once a day is not a dutiful thing. If she doesn't close to eating big meal, she can eat small snacks throughout the hours of daylight. This usually consists of eating just about 5 times a day, but small portions. That's what I do. She also requests to drink a lot of marine. Probably atleast 4-5 glasses a light of day. She also try taking a nutrients rich energy powder drink. She can mix beside whatever liquid she wants, but she definately requirements to get some well stuff into her. She should also be taking some multi vitamins with iron.

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