Does anyone know a method to make your menstrual cycle come untimely??


Help Please! Girls Only!!?

If you are on birth control pills, you can stop your pack which will make your spell come early. Other than that, here is nothing you can do...

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Not possible unless you're already on the pill.

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the pill

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well... no in that is no way of making ur cycle come precipitate, unless ur on the pill like the others enjoy sed. being on the pill make u have a far smaller number heavier period and smaller quantity stomach pains which is a blessing if u suffer badly close to I do.

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Hi . Why would you want that ? You should respect what God give you. God gave us women to hold our period regularly within a 28 day cycle. i be aware of that if you try to take anything to generate your menstrual cycle come early, you are going against the God's plan. you shouldn't do that.

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There is a pill you can embezzle that will immediately do your period. My sister have really bad, crampy period, and she was going on a trip to Italy and really considered necessary her period to come up before, instead of during the trip, which it would hold otherwise. So she went to the doctor lately to see if there be something she could have to craft it much easier while she was away, and he wound up prescribing this med that made her obtain it over with right away!! I don't know what it is call, but try googling it.

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