Vaginal burning during and after sex?

My boyfriend and I just started have sex. We were both virgins beforehand so I know that neither of us have an STI. And even if we did, we use a condom every time. But tonight I have to make him stop because I have, and still have, this horrible burning sensation around the first night of my vagina. I know that it could be a yeast infection because I've had some minor discomfort for times past week or so, and it's been a while since we've have sex. But it won't go away. It's not as impossible now as it be during intercourse, but it's still there. I go to the bathroom right after, and it didn't hurt to urinate, but it has over former times week or so. I think I might be allergic to latex because my mom is, and I sometimes gain itchy from the condom, but this is the first time I've had any burning. I'm not pregnant because I merely had my time, and I don't think I've contracted anything because we've individual been near each other and we ALWAYS use protection.

Gynocologist.1st time.age 13?

Most imagined it's a Yeast infection.
If it's not that, then it could be rubber burn... especially if you are using the condition clinic non-lubricated condoms.

Both me and my girlfriend, now my wife, go through rubber burn, and we used lubricated, after about the third week of constant intercourse. She also started developing yeast infections. She scholarly that frequent and thorough cleansing helped save that down. I do NOT mean douching, that solitary makes the problem worse. Water is the best preventative. Soap, not so much.

Good luck, stay past the worst, enjoy your experiences.


allergies to the latex or even denial of lubrication.

I have something that quality like it requirements to crack or pop in my butt bone!Help!!!!?

Definately sounds close to an allergy to latex, or you could have some tear inside the vagina that is cause the friction of sex to be painful. Go take checked out by the doc.just to rule out infection. They can also do oral exam to check for an allergy and give you suggestions to fix the problem. Good Luck!

Anyone have an I.U.D before giving birth?

itching on negina routine you need more and more sex
but procure some infection test an ask your physicians they will properly guide you. may be some alergy.

I took my birth control pill 13 min. latein this ok?

Did you guys use any form of lube? I used ot hold hti sexact same issue, and a little bit of lube really help. If it is too dry, it is like "rug-burn" on your sensitive areas.

You also could be allergic to the latex, approaching you said. I don't know much about condoms, so perchance find out if there are others made from something else?

Also, it could only just be because you guys are "new" at sex. Just in the sense that you haven't have anything in & out of there approaching that (not to be grose, sorry) and it's irritating to your vagina. It might take some "loosening up" to see rise.

Sorry if the last fragment seemed wierd or grose, I'm newly speaking from prior experience. I know that if my boyfriend and I don't have sex for a while, I still go and get the burning and pain.

What does this indicate?

my friend in hs have the same exact problem. Down to the t.. it turns out she be allergic.. try using non latex.. if it still the same. see a doc... dont hang about. its best to know for you and your partner. you need to ask ur bf if he feel anything like that. if so afterwards you may both may want to get checked out. it still other a good view to check urself out now, so u know 4 sure what it really is. dont try to be the doc... step to one.

Can anything happen to you if you hold had a peroid that last 8 days?

wow.. c.o.c.k match!!

What's the best process to remove hair 'down below'? I indicate without disappearing red bumps or getting a rash?

Lube, and engender him turn you on more.

What does horny mean?

maybe you call for ky and a condom

About tampons?

You may be allergic to the condoms. Also if it's a yeast infection this won't help alleviate it you need to purloin an oral medicine to minister to clear this up too.
Also a vaginal medicine too.
you could also guzzle yogurt with live cultures contained by it too that would help too.
If this is a yeast infection the condoms are probably irritating you too in that nouns too.
Also as I read maybe use a lubricant too that may back too.
use caution it could be a yeast infection and a kidney infection too.
See your doctor until that time it gets worse.
It's OK to see the Doctor on this hold your chief up high and find out what is going beside you this is your body and no one Else's.
Best of luck,

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