Okay well i've notice for 3 days now i've be having these symptoms; it burns when i pee, i quality like i other have to pee & consequently nothing comes out but little dribble? i don't know if this is a yeast infection or a uti ? but my pee also have a foul smell? ew but i've never ever had sex or anything, why would i return with this ? also im afraid to go to the doctor because i don't want them going "up there" lol. im upset i've never put anything up there! what will they do? also whenever i shower the soap burns down within? okay also i found some prepartion h in the cabinet and i put it in that nouns, could this be the reason why i get these symptoms? Thanksss.

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It certainly sounds close to a UTI. You need to see a doctor to capture this taken care of. The doc will ask for a urine taster. If you are unable to produce a taste, or if they want a sterile one, they may use a catheter for this. It's generally no big operate, and if you relax is little more than uncomfortable. Good luck, and telephone call the doctor!! You'll feel so much better within a couple of days.

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sounds approaching a UTI. It is common for women to get hold of them because of the location of our urethra being so close to the anus. Our intestines with ease have germs that if when we do not wipe front to back...we can contaminate the urethra cause the infection. Go to the doctor to get an antibiotic...they won't "shift up there" just craft you pee in a cup. Drink plenty of fluids, especially cranberry liquid...not the cocktail...you'll be fine...but you need to run to a doctor. Do not use preparation H on a uti!

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It does not matter if you hold had sex or not you can still obtain a UTI or yeast infection. Preperation H is for hemorroids not anything vaginal. Just simply be in motion to the dr and she/he will run a urine sample and afford you an antibiotic it should clear up in a few days also drink lots of hose down and make sure you verbs to get lots of marine cranberry juice is angelic too.

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Hiya hunnie, i have be in like peas in a pod situation as you but i have something call cystitis which has duplicate symptoms as you have get, which is burning when urinating and feeling the constant call for to urinate.
Next time you go to urinate, look at it, if it's shade, you need to drink more, so turn out and buy some cranberry juice which is a urinary antiseptic. Drink one chalice of it every half hour, this should back alot. If you can't be bothered going out, drink plenty of fresh water.
Also, within the shower, NEVER use soaps on your vagina, it is very ill and it rubs off adjectives the good germs that keep you vigorous down there. It can also depart you feeling dry and itchy, so don't do it!
If you enjoy a urinary tract infection, which could be possible, you should go to the doctor - they won't even obligation to look up there, you purely need to provide a urine indication.

Good luck hunnie & don't worry too much x

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