How do i ask my mom...?

i really want to go on birth control pills.
i hear they make your skin clearer, quill stronger, and bigger boobs sometimes!?
i also want to use them for protection against pregnancy because i want to have sex near my boyfriend.
so how do i tell her i want them minus saying i wana enjoy sex.
trust me i want to tell her but she isnt the quality of mom you can talk to just about these things.
she !has! told me she doesnt ever want to know almost my sex life.

My friend is have heavy periiodswith premenstrual bleeding since her second distribution that was 3 yrs final.?

You won't get bigger breasts from birth control pills...they may minister to the PMS symptom of sore breasts from being too impossible.

Your hair won't gain stronger either on birth control pills, and some women who own been on them for varying times if truth be told experience hair loss when they stop the pill.

The pill does, however, relief in some acne cases when breakouts turn out around the same time during your cycle.

No mom is ever the type to want to discuss's complex for us moms to think resembling that about our daughters!

Look...freshly do not say not sneak around. Do not deceit to her and tell her you hold horrible periods. Just do not endow with her a reason save for to help next to the acne that you have.

Go speak with a conservatory counselor, nurse, trusted older (over 18) friend. You also involve to protect yourself from STDs...which birth control pills will not do. I'm not saying your boyfriend have anything...but it's a good practice to grasp into for later on.

All I know is that when I be a teen...I didn't know what having sex designed...and believe me...I was so ashamed when I did the first time...not to mention how discouraging it hurt...didn't do anything at all.

Believe me, I know it is something adjectives exciting and taboo...I've been at hand...but there is an stormy tie to losing your virginity...and that is one article you cannot ever get wager on.

I'm sure I'm gonna get some thumbs down on this...but as a former teen...and very soon as a parent...I wish I'd wait...even just another year...I thought at the time I be mature...and that have sex was something I really considered necessary...but in the really sucked...was unquestionably the wrong guy (was a damned if you do, damned if you do not situation), and really the wrong time.

My advice: Wait...ESPECIALLY if you perceive ANY pressure from peers, your boyfriend...that is the WAY WRONG drive to have sex.

Good luck and regard about any/all consequences...including the emotion you most likely will have a feeling afterwards.

I should add...we moms own ALL been teens ourselves...and if/when the daylight comes when my daughter wants to 'win on the pill to help near my cycles/clearer skin'...I WILL know right off the bat what she desires them for...don't underestimate your mom...she may not say it, but she will know.

My clothes are tight during my extent, then fit comfortably after, do any of you ladies hold that problem?

check for a DHS office contained by ur hometown. they sometimes have teen clinics that extend free pills with an exam and stuff.

Masturbation. girls lone?

ummmm. threaten her life, i'm sure she'll agree consequently

EMT to Nurse or CNA to Nurse? I dont know!!?

Well...if you HAVE to tell her in recent times go to her and be approaching hey mom...I want to go on BC create I hear it can make me more regular (if you are IRregular) and can clear up my skin. If you cant draw from the guts to do it...just be in motion to your local planned parenthood. They cant report your mom if you dont want them to. Keep in mind tho...the pill also can form you gain weight and impart you MASSIVE mood swings!


Every girl I know (myself included) has gone crazy on birth control. It make you nuts. I know an ob/gyn who refuses to even prescribe it.

Wait til you're married and after you won't have to sneak around your mom.

After Sex un-able to stand?

Go to a community clinic or robustness department can get them short ever having to tolerate your mother know .and since she has told you she doesn't want to know in the region of your sex life.I'd read out you'd be following her wishes. At least you would be taking the proper responsibility for your sex energy. (Not that I'm condoning your sex life since I don't know your age).

Sex put somebody through the mill, please answer seriously?

My girlfriend had a similar situation. She used this smudge...

"Mum i know you don't want to know about these things, but i'm trying to be responsible, and so i want to budge on the pill"

not many question followed that, just a trip to the doctors department.

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birth control pills do NOT make your mane stronger or boobs bigger. these are stupid myths. however, they do prevent pregnancy when taken CORRECTLY. if you're mom has said she doesn't want to hear nearly your sex life, later go to a free clinic and catch on the pill. simple. and remember...never, never, NEVER have sex w/out a condom.

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Call your local health dept. You own a local teen clinic some where implicit you. You can go and obtain the pill without her knowing. Mind you, I do not condone this. I estimate you should tell your mom that you are have sex and if she does not want to be a grandma then she will pilfer you to the doctor and get it. But hey, if you can't update her, than please be safe! By the opening, the clinic is confidential and will not share your information with any one. A physical sneaky way of getting it is to speak that your periods are irregular and bloody. You have them for 2 weeks contained by a row, or 3 days and none for 7 than for another 5. When you get to the doctor, they will put you on something to stability you out. Again, I don't condone it, but if you have apsolutley no choice.

Want to loose the pregnancy/baby bulk!?

How old are you? Should you speak to your school nurse?

Remember, surrounded by addition to YOU taking responsibility not to carry pregnant, your boyfriend needs to be committed to protecting YOU against any Sexually Trasnmitted Diseases.

I hope your Mom decide that it IS important (which it is) to cooperate to you about your sex vivacity.

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thumbs up for taking responsibility! you can probably get pills on your own at a home planning clinic such as Planned Parenthood if your mom is not open to conversation about it. however, i do stimulate you to try. she might surprise you.

I need proposal big time!?

Go to a Planned Parenthood or other clinic, you'll get it for free and your mother doesn't hold to know.

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tell her that you want them surrounded by order to regulate your extent, make your cramps smaller number intense, make you solid flow lighter and help clear up your skin. perform like protection from pregnancy is the furthest item from your mind bc you totally plan on waiting until you are married to have sex. or you could lately go bringing up the rear her back and capture them thru your local health dept or planned paternity.

Anyone know a website where I can monitor a breast reduction as it happen?

birth control is amazing at regulating your period. enlighten your mother that your period is completely sour that they can be anywhere from 2 weeks apart to 6 weeks apart and you cant predict when they're coming which is quite bothersome (as you could predict!). and that you want to talk to your doctor something like it because you know birth control is exceptional at regulating your period (and they are!). and your doctor will speak about your mom that its true. but make sure you inform your doctor that your going to have sex and you can detail your doctor not to tell your mom (doctor paitent confidentiality) and properly your doctor cant.

but, and this is especially important. even when your on the pill use a condom EVERYTIME. and if you help yourself to antiviral or bacterial medicine such as amoxicillen it can null and void the effects of birthcontrol in the baby-prevention nouns.

also ask your doctor for a low hormone birth control that way your smaller amount likely to gain shipment with adjectives the same benifits as regular BC. i use ortho-tricyclen low and i completely recomend it.

Do period bleed out from the vaginal? Cause i think i do assist!! Please?

Well when i began the pill i wasnt even have sex at the time it was for my skin..the doctor be the one to suggest it. So you could try that angle with your mum of 'a few of my friends are on the pill in a minute for their skin and its working, I'm interested to try it, when you have time do you dream up we could go to the doctors to tell to them about it ' ...and if your not comfortable discussing your sex go with your mum lately keep within mind the doctor will ask you if your having sex whether your mum is present or not.
The pill didn't in reality work for me, I got fundamentally tired, mood swings and gained immensity and as soon as i stopped it everything was fine only so you know its not a miracle pill. Goodluck!

Can someone help meee?

Although intuitively I think if you are infantile enough to call for to ask your mom for birth control pills then your are too youthful to be having sex, I expect it is good that you are trying to be responsible and protect yourself against unwanted pregnancy. Remember, though, you still requirement to use condoms to protect yourself against STDs. That said, you could try telling your mom you own really bad cramps and that you want to seize on birth control to make them better. Doctors do prescribe birth control pills for cramps. That's what I told my mom when I be 17 and she found out I was on birth control. Alternately, you can bid a Planned Parenthood clinic in your area and sort an appointment. Either look in the phone book or go to their website:
You don't enjoy to have a parent here or any parental permission. It is completely confidential. You should be capable of get the pills for free or at a reduced price because you are underage. That is what I would recommend doing. Just remember to lurk to have sex until you are really arranged and be careful! Remember, no method of birth control is 100% forceful so there is other that tiny chance. Good luck!

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Talk to her, moms read out they don't want to know but they want to know that their children are safe but if you really can not confide within her talk to another mom of a friend you'd be suprised how much your mom may if truth be told listen and understand. Mine did when I told her and after that I could ask her anything; It be great and I trully believe that's how i survvived my teenage years!

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Most nation take birth control to regulate the time time and cramps. You could tell your Mom you inevitability it to regulate your periods. It is "NOT" correct that you will win clearer skin, hair stronger, and bigger boobs. In reality it can cause heart decease when using for a long time. It is not out of danger just using birth control alone, your boy friend requirements to use condoms also. It is better to be safe than sorry!

Wait to hold sex till you are 17
When it is done the excitement is gone to.

Make sure he is the right guy. Not some selfish guy.
Your first time you will remember your unbroken life!

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Hello, first off you didn't mention how elderly you are? In some states you need a parents sanction to start on the bc pill [under 16]but in others you don't.I'm not going to preach on age and sex, but never enjoy unprotected sex please and the pill wont protect you from diseases like aids or herpes. More importantly you stipulation to discuss this with your gyn as you will have need of to have a pap check done. The bc pill has several side effects and lower than some condition it isn't for everyone.,can cause blood clots and even head to cancer. Only a qualified doctor and consult your mom if it is needed can advise you what is right for you. I have several side effects like substance gain and my skin actually broke out when i took them. Also your body react differently and in some cases you carry moody and sad .Please discuss this next to a good gyn you can trust and get the impression comfortable with.

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Well, first you obligation to know that although birth control pills will protect you from an unwanted pregnancy, they do not necessarily automatically give you clear skin. They hold no effect on your hair, nor your breast size any. You are the size you are, and short of pregnancy itself- or surgery- they will not get bigger. And although you will avoid pregnancy you will not be protected from any sexually transmitted diseases. Your boyfriend can still tender you herpes, genital warts, syphillis, gonorrhea, or HIV- unless you also use a condom respectively and every time. And yes, he can give you those things short knowing he's got any of it, and you may not discover it until it is too tardy. SO, consider all of this all right, as you contemplate the birth control pill use. All this said, you will need to locate a clinic, Planned Parenthood usually have them in most larger cities, and some robustness departments as well. You will necessitate a full exam and pap smear, and then may know how to be provided with them. There isn't really any method to tell your mother you want birth control pills, in need discussing the sex issue, I think. I'm sorry you can't hold a frank and open discussion beside her about this, although you can for sure try. Mom's can be a bit squirrely about dealing beside the sex lives of their children, at first it does take you stern a bit. I can't say I'm looking forward to it near mine, but I will have the discussion as I'd fairly they hear truth from me, than misinformation from elsewhere. I've guided them so far in life, and I own a responsibility to see it through. Perhaps if you put it that way near your mom, you might have better luck. Anyway, I choice you luck in making your choices. Just be particularly sure this is what you want to do, and don't do it for the boy. Don't do it to keep him, to sort him happy, or anything else except because this is what you want to do. And if you should establish to go ahead and own sex, for heavens sake, use a condom. Insist on it, birth control pills aside. Pregnancy is the least of the worries in a minute days.

After a d and c?

If you feel you requirement to talk to your mother roughly the decision, afterwards tell her ahead of time (ex. "Mom, can we communicate after dinner?") and then sit her aside, away from your dad, or brothers and sisters, and notify her. Be calm, and straightforward; if you conduct yourself resembling an adult, she will be more liable to except you as someone able to produce these type of choices.

Now, if for whatever source you can't talk to her, check out Planned Parenthood ( ). They proffer free medical care to teens short necessatating parental consent. They will be able to answer your question, and might even have guidance about discussion to your mom.

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you can go to any vigour dept and get pills and they don't relate your mom. Good Luck

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You can walk to Planned Parenthood if there is one where on earth you live. There is a few in the nouns where I live and some friends of mine move about there.

At Planned Parenthood you move about there and you can draw from free birth control. They wont tell your parents any..

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